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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

New to the scene in Richmond, VA


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  • 2 weeks later...

Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond holds IDPA every Tuesday evening.

www.fredericksburgps.com Fredericksburg Rod & Gun Club USPSA, 1st Sunday of the month, 45 minutes north of you.

www.northmountainps.com North Mountain Practical Shooting, 3rd Sunday of the month, probably 2.5 hours northwest.

www.summitpointas.com Summit Point Action Shooters, USPSA 4th weekend of the month & periodic Multigun, 2:45 from Richmond.

www.quanticoshootingclub.com/calendar.php Quantico Shooting Club, USPSA 2nd Sunday of the month, 1.5 hours north of you.

www.peacemakernational.com USPSA, IDPA, 3 Gun, Shotgun, ICORE, Long Range, everything firearm competition related, just shy of 3 hours from Richmond.

There's also a bunch of action shooting clubs in NC, probably 2 hours from you. Check out www.NCsection.org for all of their events.

We've also got a USPSA club in it's infancy in King George, VA about an hour and a half north of you. Not yet affiliated, will be holding our second match Sunday 11/11, www.kgas.org for more info if you're interested.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't forget Blackwater Practical shooters about 2.5 hours away. They useually have a shoothouse stage which is amazingly fun, plus they do a side match almost every month. (October was Pistol claliber carbine in the shoot house. The most fun you will have with your clothes on!)

They start up again in January. They are useually the last sunday of the month but check their schedual because it shifts every now and then.


The best matches (to me) are fredericsburg and blackwater. You have to get on the list for fredericksburg quick because it will fill up in about 15 minuts after they open registration.

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