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Sighting in your CZ


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Ok guys what is the distance you sight in your pistol for uspsa or idpa ?

I set mine up at 15 yard because that is how far the range can go :blush: I would like to go

out to 25yds is that to far or just wright ? Do you bench rest your gun in or the standard way :sight:

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Jeremy, most people sight in the iron sighted handguns

at anywhere from 15 - 25 yards, and that is usually within

a few inches from POA from 5 - 30 yards.

Best to try it at 5 yards so you KNOW where your bullets

are going to land for those close head shots; and best to

try some shots at 30 - 40 yards incase you ever encounter

a long COF at a USPSA match.

But, 15 yards is usually pretty good.

If you can fire a 2" group at 15 yards offhand, that's the

best way to do it - if groups are too large, find a rest,

but don't put the gun on anything - support your wrists ...

And, at least try some offhand shooting at 15 yards - make

sure bullets hit where they did from a support.

We just had a discussion about this very topic a week or so

ago here on this Forum :cheers:

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