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Frontier Bullets 115gr, 121gr or 124gr-Match for Stock III


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Hi there,

I have shot115gr H&N, 124gr Geco and 130gr FP's so far.

No problems for the last 5.000rd's.

Now I have the oportunety to get some Frontier Bullets.

I liked the feel of the 115gr. H&N HP's the most (4.3gr N320/oal29.0)

Direct, fast cyceling, positiv kick and almost no muzzel-flip.

The sights almost never left the "A".

I like that!!!!

So I am thinking about the Frontier 115gr RN.

But I am not sure if they are accurate enough for

serious IPSC?

I am almost away from the 121gr. FP's. I read a lot about problems with flatpoints in TaFo's.

And I used a handful of this load from a Glock Shooter. Had no chance to find Out the oal.

But I had problems to chamber them. Even when shooting. Had no probs with the 130gr FP's

I have shoot...they seam to have a longer tip.

The 124gr RN - Match. Heard that this One is quiet accurate. I belive EricG is shooting those in Open and Prod.

But not as flat shooting as a 115gr bullet. Therefore the jacked is thicker which should make it more accurate.

I have Seen guys shooting at the World shoot with there SP01's with NO visible muzzel rise.

I want that! And accuracy...of cource....all in a 115gr. Frontier Bullet...

Can I have it???

What are your experiance with TaFo's and this 3 rounds?

I am leaning toward the 124gr. Match right now since I belive that I can rather life with a bit more muzzel rise then

an unaccurate bullet.

What are your experiance?

Tank you guy's!


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Yeah! The 147gr. shot soft. But too much movement for me. Too slow cyceling.

There is a saying...the heavyer the Gun, the lighter the Bullets. And the other way arround.

Was that a roundnose or Flatpoint bullet?

Have you ever Shot it in a TaFo ?

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