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USPSA - When are you informed of the stage layout?


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Depends on the match.

Most level 1 are set up that day or the night prior and other than the set up crew it is new to everyone. They do not require NROI approval. Many people arrive early to walk through the stages before shooting starts.

Level 2 and up usually try to have them listed on a web site so that people can see what is planned. The stages have to be approved by NROI so they are drawn up well in advance and in most cases set up at least once at a level 1 match to get an idea how it will work.

Edited by Poppa Bear
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The best plan for a club level match is to show up early and help set up the stages; that gives you an intimate look at how the stage designer was imagining the stage. (Plus everyone can always use extra hands for setup) ;)

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"usually" at a level two or higher you can find the stage layouts posted, however I "personnally" have seen very few that were excactly as the layout was shown. I never spend any time looking at the web layouts anymore, it just clogs my head. I do try very hard to walk them before the match starts, then really bear down and memorize at the 5 min walkthrough. I prefer to shoot larger matches in the two day format, 12 stages in a day is a lot of brain work for me at least.


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I found that reading the Stage Descriptions, (or having someone read it to you), and then walking through it helps. Also ask someone that has been there before, they are usually glad to help, and if you walk through with them they will probably have some good pointers.

Then just watch how the others shoot, and move.

The KEY is to make sure everything you do is deliberate with regards to safety; Finger off trigger(Golden Rule), gun pointed in safe direction, don't sweep your body, and only fire when you have eyes firmly on target.

Try to complete a stage safely before speed.

Also, pay attention to mandatory reloads, shooting positions, and no-shoot targets, thouse will all get you minus points if you don't follow the Course of Fire correctly.

Of course the big part is to Have Fun,

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