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Quick sketchup question


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How do I edit props? i.e. shorten or lengthen a fault line, lower a wall, etc. I mostlt need to crop and stretch fault lines for now.

My daughter showed me once but I have long since forgotten.blush.gif


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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Is there a way to change a popper color? I need a few that are black instead of white.



Right click and explode a popper, then change color using paint bucket under tools menu, then regroup all once you are done.

Edited to add: You'll need to change the color front, back, and edge.

Edited by Mark R
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  • 4 months later...

If you want to change size there is also the scale button. It looks like a broken rectangle with a white one on top. If you click it then the object you want to resize you get red boxes that appear. Grab a red box and it will let you modify size on that axis. Worth using on walls etc. Watch that you don't scale targets. That is where right click and explode helps. Or you can double click the group to edit and then click out of the area when done.

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