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Plug for one shotshell


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I bought a cheap, plastic shotgun plug from WalMart (Academy and Bass Pro also carry them) and cut it down to where it would let all but the brass of the 9th shell into the tube. It has worked for me in my M1Super90 and my Nova.


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I bought a cheap, plastic shotgun plug from WalMart (Academy and Bass Pro also carry them) and cut it down to where it would let all but the brass of the 9th shell into the tube. It has worked for me in my M1Super90 and my Nova.


Good advise,,,,,,,

The first time I ran into this (8+1) was at FB3G and several of us used pieces of a limb cut straight from a bush at the range...

Yes really.....smile.gif

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I have a Benelli M2 with a Nordic Extention tube that allows 9+1 and most of the 3 gun matches I will shoot in allow only 8+1. What is the best way to restrict my magazine tube to only 8 shots?

I have the same set up and use the plastic plug that came in my original benelli magazine when needed. You can probably get one from Benelli or just make one.


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There was a good thread on this just a few days ago...did you see it already or search? If not, here it is...


I like the dummy round idea the best. I had done a search earlier and found this thread but it only had the first response, should have checked it again.


This seems like the simplest way to me also.

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