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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

More lube? Cleaning? Tighten something up?

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While reloading 300-400 rds last night the pistol slide on the platform assembly would get stuck once in a while and not load a case into station one. What could be casuing this? I didn't see any obvious reason for it hanging up and a slight tap and the slide would spring into position ...Does it need to be lubed? Has something come loose or maybe it's dirty and needs to be cleaned? Or is something else causing this?

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You talkin' 650? If so I have found that once it starts to get touchy I take it off and clean it well and then polish the ramp and rails. If you keep using it and letting it snag on casings it starts to get gouged and just gets worse and worse. I take some black sandpaper to it and then buff it. The worst is when upside down cases were getting through. They trashed it and chewed it up and pretty much made it unusable.

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