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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Did not take me long, half way through first stage of first match.

Mag Change, mis-feed, go to clear, Finger still on trigger, RO yells "Stop" Unload and show clear"

I am thinking there must be something wrong with the Stage? Maybe a Target Malfunction? Nope,operator error.

Put my stuff away came back and helped for the next stage. Pondered my steps. . .

Well, hopefully I have learned from that lesson.

The RO was my trainer and he felt really bad too.

Told me it was probably my Adrenalin taking over, Need to be clear and deliberate about each and every movement.

Till next time. . .


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It's good that you stayed and helped. Quite a few don't. Try to teach yourself to always have that finger in one of only two places. Either on the trigger to engage or perfectly straight and touching the frame somewhere away from the trigger guard.

RO's like to see straight fingers. To me that is a sign of great discipline and control.

At least you got your DQ out of the way early in your career!roflol.gif

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It's good that you stayed and helped. Quite a few don't. Try to teach yourself to always have that finger in one of only two places. Either on the trigger to engage or perfectly straight and touching the frame somewhere away from the trigger guard.

RO's like to see straight fingers. To me that is a sign of great discipline and control.

At least you got your DQ out of the way early in your career!roflol.gif

+1, it happens.

My first happened almost 2 years into shooting, wish it was sooner. lol.

Plenty of things to be nervous about first few matches. That is why all of the new shooters at our clubs, usually just tell them... you are not going to win your first matches anyway, so focus on making sure you don't do anything stupid, take your time and shoot safe, and have fun. Then worry about the other stuff.

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