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C-more, Waterproof?

rooster mcbee

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After being away from my local Steel Challenge range for 6 months, I'm finally back in a rotation where I can shoot. Unfortunately, the weather forecast calls for a 80% chance of rain on Saturday. So, am I going to ruin my C-more if it gets wet? It looks like it is sealed pretty well, but I would like the opinions/experience of my esteemed forum members. Is it safe to let it get wet?

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I don't think a little rain will hurt the cmore. I usually cover my gun with a disposable shower cap while not shooting. Got a case for free from the local Holiday Inn. I recently shot a match in a downpour...no problems

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Well, from the c-more website:


Submerge Depth 200 m

Not sure that means it will WORK at 650+ ft deep,

or if it means that at that depth the darned thing

implodes. Water pressure at 650 ft is about 300 psi.

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I don't think a little rain will hurt the cmore. I usually cover my gun with a disposable shower cap while not shooting. Got a case for free from the local Holiday Inn. I recently shot a match in a downpour...no problems

They really need to learn not to leave that cart unattended :D

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