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Once Fired Brass


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Okay this may be a dumb question, but I really don't know the answer. This is my first time reloading handgun and using once-fired brass and I just got 1000 pieces of 40 from Precision Delta. Several of the case mouths are dented or bent (nothing extreme, just out of shape) but how does one determine what is good to reload? Will the Redding G-RX and Dillon SDB resize the dented mouths to normal? Or do I just toss them? Neither of those are here yet or else I'd just give it a try, but I don't want to ruin a die in the process. Thanks for any advice!

Edited by Tpb10505
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Look at the brass, and see if it is already de-primed. If so, it is likely already resized. I would then either wait for resizing dies and just tumble them, or else if they are already done, go ahead and load some up and chamber check them. Then find your load and load em up. JZ

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