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Moving From M&P to STI... Fit Issues

Son Of The Griz

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I just made the leap from Production to Limited equipment and went the "stock" STI route. The gun came from Dawson with a few of their bolt-on goodies and I'm having a blast re-learning the 1911 platform all over again in competition.

I've noticed I'm having a couple "fit" issues which aren't going away as I learn the grip and teach my hands to run the beast. Primarily, the inside of my strong-hand thumb down near the bottom where it joins my hand (right hand) gets pretty beat up during practice sessions. I was wondering if others have run into this (yes, I searched and only got a couple hits) and if a good "race gun" 'smith would/should be able to fit the gun to my hand through a combination of thumb safety, grip safety, and fitment.

Fortunately, being in Northern Colorado, I know there are a handful of good gunsmiths and builders within an hour of home.

Cheers, and thanks!

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Yes, I had that same issue at my thumb knuckle. A bit of blending on the safety and switching out the grip safety to the STI thumb safety with the knuckle relief cured it for me. Relatively simple job, you may even elect to have the knuckle relief cut into the current grip safety. Your smith will advise you on the cost comparison.

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