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UF Practical Pistol Team


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Hey yall,

Just wanted to make a community announcement. Recently student government approved our request of a pistol club/team at UF! Our main focus is developing a shooting team , with a secondary goal (but just as important) of community outreach promoting shooting sports. We will be shooting through the Scholastic Pistol Program and are hoping to be in good shape for the SEC Nationals early next year.

Right now we are working on acquiring the funds to purchase gear, steel, and of course ammo. Being college students, it is quite hard to manage enough funds to shoot on a regular basis. As of right now we are gratefull to have a GM shooter as our coach! I'm also in the process of picking up sponsors. So far we have our home range and pro shop; Gainesville Target Range, Alachua Farm & Lumber, and Lambo's Armory. Through SSP we have sponsorships through Glock, S&W, and Atlanta Arms & Ammo

Some of you may know that SSP is a steel challenge organization but we also have interest in local, regional, and national USPSA/3gun matches

Wish us luck!

Edited by TommyD
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That's awesome, Tommy! Good luck! I know my cousin went through hell trying to get the UF paintball team underway. Glad to see the school has come around a bit on their gun views.

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Awesome stuff, Tommy!! What divisions does your team plan to shoot?

Well you know me..iron sights with a production gun :lol:

but I'd be willing to bet there would be some interest among other team members for running open guns.

Edited by TommyD
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HA.....the Darkside is always on peoples minds. I would hope that some of you would run Limited (way cheaper for startup) before you gave Open a try. If you come up for a shoot while I'm home, I'll let you run my G35 Limited if you want.

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HA.....the Darkside is always on peoples minds. I would hope that some of you would run Limited (way cheaper for startup) before you gave Open a try. If you come up for a shoot while I'm home, I'll let you run my G35 Limited if you want.

Yeah I'd love to! Ive never shot a 34 or 35..been running a midframe Glock so far

Go Gators!!! :sight:

YES! ...until Mizzou comes to town :devil:

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