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LiveShots @ USPSA Nationals


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In just a few days the 2012 Handgun Nationals will be underway, I am still not sure about network connectivity at the range so I can't guarantee that LiveShots will be all that 'live'. If there is limited network then I will upload videos at the end of each day on the LiveShots page. I will also try to post news from the match on the same page.

Photos will be uploaded at the end of each day.

For those competitors arriving on registration day I will try and post some photos of the stage layouts in case you can't make it to the range for a walkthrough on Saturday.

For the LPR match I will be taking photos and video all day. For the OL10 match, I will be trying to compete and provide coverage at the same time (not sure how well that will work)

Click the icon below to visit the LiveShots page


Video links will appear in the box to the left, these links will update automatically when a new video is added, there is no need to hit REFRESH on your browser (it can slow down the process).

Select the video link with a single-click to open the video on the same page, click outside the video frame to return to the main page (or hit the X icon).

The most recent video is always shown at the top of the column.

You will need the Quicktime plug-in to view the videos. I think there is an App for Android that allows users of that device to view the videos.

Information about the match progress will be shown in the scrollable panel on the right, this also updates automatically.

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Thanks Paul, I always look forward to seeing your updates! Great work, and much appreciated!

You will need the Quicktime plug-in to view the videos. I think there is an App for Android that allows users of that device to view the videos.

If anybody knows the app/update to get this to work(HTC One X is the phone) please let me know!

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WOW Paul!! Thank you so much for all of your expertise in recording and uploading the matches!! You are very talented! However, since you are shooting the Open/L10 you need to focus on YOUR MATCH and not worry too much about the videos. This IS THE NATIONALS!!! Thank you again for all of your videos...AWESOME!!!

In just a few days the 2012 Handgun Nationals will be underway, I am still not sure about network connectivity at the range so I can't guarantee that LiveShots will be all that 'live'. If there is limited network then I will upload videos at the end of each day on the LiveShots page. I will also try to post news from the match on the same page.

Photos will be uploaded at the end of each day.

For those competitors arriving on registration day I will try and post some photos of the stage layouts in case you can't make it to the range for a walkthrough on Saturday.

For the LPR match I will be taking photos and video all day. For the OL10 match, I will be trying to compete and provide coverage at the same time (not sure how well that will work)

Click the icon below to visit the LiveShots page


Video links will appear in the box to the left, these links will update automatically when a new video is added, there is no need to hit REFRESH on your browser (it can slow down the process).

Select the video link with a single-click to open the video on the same page, click outside the video frame to return to the main page (or hit the X icon).

The most recent video is always shown at the top of the column.

You will need the Quicktime plug-in to view the videos. I think there is an App for Android that allows users of that device to view the videos.

Information about the match progress will be shown in the scrollable panel on the right, this also updates automatically.

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Thanks for all the kind words. I wish I would be able to focus only on the match for Open/L10 part but it didn't work out that way this year. It probably won't affect my shooting too much as I have had so few chances to shoot this year, my last match was about 3 weeks ago and I have nowhere to practice either.

I suspect that my trip to the prize table will be at the end of a very long wait and will result in another bore-snake for my growing collection. :-)

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Registration opens in a few hours; I'll try to post any useful information to the LiveShots feed (see post #1).

Then the exodus to the range will begin for scoping out the stages. The match hotel is much better than last year, plenty of hot water too... scalding hot !

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Thanks for posting the videos. Two notes,

1. Stages 2, 6, 8 do not seem to work for me. Unrecognized format?

2. Stage 16 is shot upside down. =P

Stages look fun, and fairly high HF wise. Absolutely a change from last year's stages.

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Thanks, I'm going to be running late on Wednesday so any extra views of the stages I can get are a bonus

Made that mistake last year, hope you are not shooting Thursday AM.

Looking at stages on the page is one thing, seeing the videos helped a lot. I am sure there will be plenty of videos on youtube soon.

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