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Marrying a friend


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About 6 months ago a good friend of ours let us know she was getting married and asked my wife to be a bridesmaid, and I thought I'd dig out my old 35mm and shoot one more wedding however...

3 weeks ago she called rather distraught as she had both her minister and backup minister call out (ones son was getting married that weekend the other not sure what happened) and asked if I knew anyone who could do it in short order :surprise:

Well, I happen to be an ordained minister but she didn't know it so I said "I got this covered.what do we need to make this happen"

Quick check of Tennessee laws abour officiating .... check

2 weeks to work up a ceremony

Saturday October 6th,2012 at 6PM they were duly married and I gave my first official "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife..."

Was a wonderful experience to not only help a friend but to be in the best seat in the house for this special event


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