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CZ SP01 Shadow 18 round magazine


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I have noticed the spring stock in the CZ mags is smaller gauge on the 18s vs 16s. I replaced the 18 mag springs with the Wolff +10% springs.

Are there any other issues out there with the 18s?

The rounds do not seem to strip off easily, they tend to bind at the base or bite into the casing. I have tried sanding the opening of the mag with 400 grits to smother the edges of the mag, but it does not seem to help.

Any ideas?

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Ive used the 18rders and didnt have any issues. Sort of thought they might be easier to reload because they were longer, more of a base to grab onto when pulling one out of a mag pouch. But not sure there is an advantage.

I would agree with burningsquirels' recommendation. Get 16rd mags and rubber pads. The CZ pads are nice but $9 each. The Beretta 92 pads are great, but Beretta no longer sells them so they are hard to find. But Beretta does have 96 pads that I understand can be modified to work. Basically need to trim some of the rubber so mag will seat, and they are like $5 each from Beretta.

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Finally got to shoot my new 75 Shadow T this weekend. Very smooth, extremely accurate, draw grip was neutral/comfortable right away with no issues, DA on first shot not too bad, just taking it easy for now so my first shot times are slower. Practice will help that.

On the 18 round magazines though..... the springs seem extremely soft. If I load to capacity I can hear what sounds like a round rattling lower in the stack. The other thing I noticed was that most mags dropped with ammo in them (reloading on the clock)had the top and second rounds cocked and seriously out of place. Those mags would be inop, (we've all had to pick one up and use it, or will eventually......) All symptoms of a weak mag spring.

In spite of this all 6 mags functioned flawlessly for about 400 rounds so far, but gotta say that if I loaded rounds into any other mag and felt that they were this soft I'd immediately assume the springs were worn out and needed to be replaced.

Nervous Nellie that I am, I'll be ordering the stronger springs today......

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