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Point of aim for 308 at 25 yrds.


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I am going to be sighting in my DPMS LR308 and was wondering what the point of aim is at 25yrds for 100yrds or 200yrds. So i can get the feel for this rifle, then i will go for longer shots. Hopefully i will use it in 3gun next year.

Thanks for your input.


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The .308 ballistics are pretty similar to a .223. Get a hasty zero at 30 yards. Tighten up the windage of that 30 yard zero at 100 yards. Your elevation at 100 should be ~4" high. At 200 yards you should be ~5 1/2" high and then at 300 you shoudl be back to dead nuts. Once you shoot out to 300 adjust your zero to perfect that group and the rest of the closer groups will be money. :cheers:

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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