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Any feedback on .45 XD-M 5.25?


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Thinking I am needing a .45 and I am looking at the 5.25 .45 along with the Glock 21SF. I will be trying a Glock soon but don't have any access to a XD so figured I would ask and see if anyone has any feedback on the 5.25 .45 XD. I am looking at using it at pin shoots. Thanks.

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I bought an XDM 5.25 in 45 for almost the exact same reason. I needed a 45 for pin shoots that started happening locally. I'm primarily a Glock guy so I looked at the Glock 21 but couldn't find one at my local GSSF shop and I found the idea of paying full retail for a Glock unappealing. Eventually I drifted to the 5.25 because it has a few competition features on it from the start. I like it quite a bit but I've only had it about a week so I've only shot 200 round so far so not exactly a lot of experience with it but I'll give you my impression.

The trigger is smooth and breaks pretty clean and the reset is audible but a bit longer than I'm used to with the Glock, not necessarily long, just longer than I'm currently used to. The trigger is not completely dead after you drop the striker, so dry fry is going to be very easy.

Came form the factory with the smallest backstrap on it and it actually feels like a good size. With the small one the back is very straight, not much of a hump. It didn't feel that large until I went from the XDm to the Glock 17 and then the Glock felt small. The grip itself is a bit smoother than even a Glock, I've invested in some of the grip tape for it.

The magazine release works from both sides which I love because I use my index finger on my strong hand to depress the release. I got an extended mag release which makes it even easier. The interesting thing is that it not only moves laterally it also rotates. Looking at the mechanism it makes sense why, it's the way they made it ambi, there's this little paddle thing inside the magwell that pushes out of the way. It's hard to describe. Not really any advantage or disadvantage just kind of neat.

The sights are very nice. The front sight is a big wider than I'd probably like but I don't think it bothers me enough to go through the trouble of changing it... at least not yet. The rear right is fantastic. Fully adjustable, with a flat black serrated rear blade is my preferred setup though so your mileage might vary.

I thought I would hate it but the grip safety isn't as bad as I thought. I have never once noticed it was even there which is probably the kindest thing I can say about it. You can get a larger one though if you are concerned. It made me change the way I show clear vs how I show clear with my Glock but the addition of the front serrations on the slide made it easy.

The muzzle flip wasn't as bad as I thought it would be for a 45. It's definitely more than a 9mm Glock 17 but it's not wild or uncontrollable by any stretch.

So I bought it just to use in pin matches and now I'm thinking about running it in some IDPA matches in CDP. I wish you lived closer I'd tell you to bring a box of 45 and give mine a go.

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If you need/want a .45, the classic firearm is the 1911. Why not get one of those?

I like my 9mm 5.25 quite a lot and would consider one in .40 were I ever to get back into Limited, but I just can't see the draw of it in .45, unless, like Jesse, you've got a specific type of match it would be good for.

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Jesse thanks alot for the full report. It helps alot. It would be just for pins as I have my Glock 34 all set up for IDPA and 3 Gun. The 9mm doesn't have the power I would want to shoot pins. I was debating on a .40 as well as that would work for pins.

I had a 1911 years ago and I just don't have a great feel for them. Just in the planning stage though and wanted some feedback. Thanks again Jesse.

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Jesse thanks alot for the full report. It helps alot. It would be just for pins as I have my Glock 34 all set up for IDPA and 3 Gun. The 9mm doesn't have the power I would want to shoot pins. I was debating on a .40 as well as that would work for pins.

I had a 1911 years ago and I just don't have a great feel for them. Just in the planning stage though and wanted some feedback. Thanks again Jesse.

I have the 5.25 in .40 set up for limited and it does a number on bowling pins. Im sure the 45 would work just as well if not better on pins, but if you get the .40 it could be duel purpose....pins and uspsa.

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Yeah Carbon I am starting to lean that way. I have shot pins with a .40 years ago and it worked well. That's why I started thinking about it for the dual purpose as there are some USPSA matches in driving distance. Thanks.

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40 makes a lot of sense if you are going to reload and if you want to use the gun in limited. (I don't know a lot about 40 but I've been told to make it meet major you need to load it a bit hotter than most factory loads come, so if I'm wrong about that then it wouldn't matter.) I can also use the 45 in limited-10 without being at any sort of serious disadvantage. And in IDPA CDP the rules are must be 45 and the XDM was still far far less than any 1911 I'd want to buy to run seriously.

I don't know if the bowling pin matches I go to are regulation but the 40 didn't seem to give them quite knock that the 45s did, a lot of the guys with 40 were struggling to get them off the table.

I will say that I like the XDm 5.25 in 45 enough that I am seriously contemplating getting another one in 9mm and tricking it out so I can used it in both IDPA ESP and USPSA Limited just using different magazines.

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I have a buddy with a 9mm 5.25. I will probably try his to get a feel of the pistol as a whole.

I remember my 40 with the 180s knocking the pins down pretty good. Always held its own. Was definitely in he minority though compared to the number of 45s.

Well no rush in the decision so I will take my time and do some more homework. Thanks guys.

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