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anyone casting for their STI


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I never had any luck with the SWC style of the LEE 175 but that was me. I do cast for my STI Edge & Eagle both in .40. I use a Star lubesizer so I cast regular lube type bullets. I cast a 150 gr TC (cut down Lee mould), a 180 TC from a Lee mould and them a 200 gr. TC from a NOE mould.

I have found that WST is the best powder I have found to load all my lead bulleted reloads and use it for just about everthing. I also use it for loading my shotshells.

Neal in AZ

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I prefer the Lyman 401638 175 gr TC. I load them to 1.125", with either 5.3 gr of Unique, or 4.8 gr Bullseye. I have two 4 cavity molds, and I crank out about 500 bullets per hour at a moderate rate. I can run close to 1,000 bullets per hour thru my Star sizer.

I have tried some Bull-X brand SWC's thru my Edge with out a problem. I also tried some RNFP bullets from a local caster thru it. He wants to sell me a bunch of those. The RNFP went thru the gun without a hitch also.

I will say the main reason I go with the TC bullet is because it LOOKED more reliable, and gives me the warm fuzzies.

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So, I got the lee mold with the regular lube groove not tumble lube. Its supposed to cast 175gr but they are weighing 180.9 to 184.1gr, any thoughts on a powder to use? I've got some w231 on hand and I'm thinking maybe I'll pick up some wst or wsf.

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I use that same bullet with Clays powder. Just work up your load carefully.

So, I got the lee mold with the regular lube groove not tumble lube. Its supposed to cast 175gr but they are weighing 180.9 to 184.1gr, any thoughts on a powder to use? I've got some w231 on hand and I'm thinking maybe I'll pick up some wst or wsf.

So, I got the lee mold with the regular lube groove not tumble lube. Its supposed to cast 175gr but they are weighing 180.9 to 184.1gr, any thoughts on a powder to use? I've got some w231 on hand and I'm thinking maybe I'll pick up some wst or wsf.

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