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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

forum lawyers


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I hate it why I or someone else posts a topic or asks a question and the only response they get is a butt chewing and maybe a link with a smart @#$ comment. There is a difference between being helpful and being an &*%. One can achive the first without being the later.

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I think that, in general, the moderators here are an even keeled bunch (I almost typed "and mild mannered", but thought better of it) compared to what I hear happens on other forums. I think that just about all of us (yours truly, included) have been prodded by our local curmudgeons about checking FAQs and doing searches (AAMOF, I now make a point of prefacing my questions with "I did a search, but..."). They can be acerbic, to say the least. YOu have my sympathies.

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Not the the BE forums are bad, but they DO seem to have more than the average bear's share of people responding to threads with "use the search" and a link to a thread that si no longer accessible.

I know they didn't get it from the search, or my search would have turned it up as well. I wonder if they just have thousands of annotated BE forum links in their bookmarks or something.

If they do, they should test them before posting them as an answer to something.

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Give a man some search results, feed him topics for a day... Teach a man how to use the search tool, feed him topics forever.

Why do a search when someone else can do it for you? Especially when all it costs are some smart-alick comments which are easy enough to ignore. What's even better is that once you get the links someone is even nice enough to lock the thread for you.

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