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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

1.69 Bill Drill from 1.11 draw


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It's like a submachinegun with a slow cyclic rate. My first one today was 1.55 but I froze on the trigger after the fifth shot and stopped when I got spooked. I've shot fast splits before but never strung them all together in a Bill Drill. When .13 is the slowest split, it's spooky. My second one was something like 2.5 with all kinds of huge variations in splits due to trigger freeze and overgripping the gun and being too tense. Then I relaxed and ripped the 1.69.

Nevermind that I didn't put them all in the A zone. If I had, I would have put this in Skills or Accomplishments. :)

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Damn liar.

You have a STI/SV selector switch on that gun and you know it. I know some people with an extra chromosome who are gonna call ATF and rat on you.

[/Why I don't shoot at the indoor range anymore because I can't stand the horsesh*t mode]

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Relaxing on demand seems to be one of the hardest things to " CONQUER". WE all try to push the limits of our abilities but " tension" always shows up one way or another. I have been able to get may draw time to .85 , splits .18/.20, ( 6 rds with a revolver in 1.83 secs ). It takes me about 10 moon clips to get the rythm and to relax enough to go this fast. In a match , other things come into play that slows us down, but how nice it would be to match shoot at these practice levels!!!

Anyone got that figured out?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Damn Dan !!!!!!

Thats good with a bottom feeder :P

Let me know if we are going to bump heads anywhere and I will bring the crying towel to use after you show us all how to use one of them things. :)

Can anyone remember what Jerry Miculek did on his record setting run?


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