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Anyone Shoot Berries 124 HBRN vs their 124g HBFP


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I see Berries has a 124g HBFP that they list for the 357 sig which looks like the MG 124g JHP profile. Anyone try these for 9mm MP? Thinking the MP could use all the bearing surface it could get and with the HB design plus the FN thinking the bearing surface may be longer than their RN version.

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I have used their 155 gr HBFP and HBRN in .40 S&W and was happy with them. I had to load the flat nose slightly shorter, giving a small increase in velocity (I will look it up when I get home tonight). They work well enough, but I never shot them for groups either. Just don't go overboard on your crimp and you'll be fine.

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