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G24 problems


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I'm putting together a G24. I just got enough parts together to test fire it. The slide doesn't go all the way forward every time after firing. I'm using a lone wolf slide and barrel and a ZEV tech 14 lb spring and stainless guide rod. I took the factory recoil spring out of my g17, and it seemed to fire fine. Has anybody has problems with these springs? Or have any suggestions?

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I'm using the Zev extended SS guide rod and 14lb. red spring in my Glock 24 and 17L. No problems with slide going forward. I also have KKM barrels in both guns. biggrin.gif

The only thing I can complain is that some of the red coating is coming off of the springs...

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I have tried both the ISMI springs and the Zev springs. I have to agree that the ISMI springs seem to perform better. Even though the zev springs are rated at XX lb, they do not seem as strong as the ISMI springs of the same weight. I had some light reloads for my G34 and it would not run with the 13 lb ISMI but it would run with the red zev spring. Also, the ISMI springs seem to fit the uncaptured guiderod better IMO.

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I had problems with the red spring as well. Switched to ISMI 13# and no failure to go into battery issues with it.

+1. had issues with red spring closing my G24, however, it works fine in my G34. Eventually I think I will have the G24 slide lightened up a bit. Then I will try the lighter springs again.

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