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G24 trigger problem


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I have a gen2 G24 with an extractor with over travel stop. I replaced it with the OEM extractor and when I assembled it back (with the slide on), the trigger won't release the striker. Trigger is all the way forward. Its all play.

So when I tried to take out the slide, well, no dice, won't come out. it will release it maybe 1/8 of an inch forward but something is getting stuck. Was able to find a solution on youtube, lock back the slide, take out the plate cover on the slide, then remove the striker.

It said that the guide rod maybe placed wrong on the barrel, so there were 3 possible notches. No change. I noticed though that when putting the slide back on the frame something is catching the leg of the striker on the trigger bar.

Did I assemble the internals wrong? I thought the internals go in easy and no way to get it wrong but I may have put a spring the wrong way on the ejector?

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yes, ejector housing, there is a spring that connects from the housing to the trigger bar. I noticed the spring can be installed with the hook facing up or down, not sure if it makes any difference.

Sorry, im not too familiar with Glock parts nomenclature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I installed the disconnector :devil: :devil: I guess when I replaced the ejector housing to OEM, i didn't notice that the OEM is missing a disconnector (which made sense because when I bought the ejector with over travel stop, it didn't have a disconnector) so yeah, if in case anybody is having the same issue.. make sure the disconnector is installed!!

Thank you all for the help!!! :cheers:

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