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N340 for 230FMJ?


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I love love love N340 for for my 9mm production loads. Meters great, is super super clean, extremely accurate, no smoke, no flash.

But what about in 45, for hotter than typical gamer loads? Ideally, 800-850FPS w/ 230 FMJs?

I'm currently using 5.1 of N320. It's silly accurate, but there is a fair amount of smoke and plenty of dirt. I gather it would be cleaner/less smokey if I loaded down more, but I'd rather not.

The other contender is WST. Cheaper, but may not get the 800+ I'm looking for without going over published max.

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I've put a bunch of Sierra 230 FMJ with N340 and N320 over a chronograph. Here's my most recent data and the notes I wrote at the time.

Colt 1991 Commander Sierra 230 FMJ 1.265 Oal .470 Crimp

6.2 N340 Av. 790 Es. 24 Sd. 11 (dirty)

6.3 N340 Av. 823 Es. 52 Sd. 19 (cleaner)

6.5 N340 Av. 851 Es. 05 Sd. 02 (cleanest, should of tried 6.4)

5.2 N320 Av. 790 Es. 29 Sd. 12 (soft recoil)

5.3 N320 Av. 823 Es. 26 Sd. 09 (very nice)

Comparing N320 and N340 in 45 is great fun. The 5.3 of N320 and 6.3 of N340 went the same speed but felt totally different.

If you want a solid 850 pick N340, if your all right with around or just over 800 pick N320. My 2 cents.

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