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Anybody playing Battlefield 3 ?

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Anybody playing Battlefield 3 ?


I HATED it at first (run, run, run...get to the fight...die). Now, I am liking it a lot.

There are a few of us (Ohio shooters) playing in our group. Flyin40 has a server up: 2Alpha 2Alpha

Edited by Flexmoney
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I, myself, play CODMW3...

Funny how we got on BF3...

We were playing MW3, and we are all on the headsets so we can talk to each other. I have one buddy (Jeff) that had just started on BF3 and he was asking us if we heard about it. My other buddy (Chad) says something about it and his girlfriend overhears the conversation. Chad had a birthday coming up, so she thinks it would be a great idea to get him BF3 for his birthday. She texts me to double check. I have my phone sitting right next to me with the text-to-voice feature on. So, when it starts reading my text out loud, I have to hurry up and kill the mic on my XBoX headset so Chad can't hear what he is getting for his b-day.

I told her it was a bad idea, btw. ...that we were just chatting, not looking to shop. And, that if Chad got it, then his brother would also have to buy it and so would I. :rolleyes: I was just getting decent at MW3 and didn't want to change up. She went ahead and got it for him...

If I get my chores done, I might play tonight. :)

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I don't care for Battlefield since you have to shoot the enemy about 5-10 shots to get a kill. :angry2:

Yeah, it's not as run-n-gun friendly as MW3. I hated that too, at first. It takes a bit of work to figure out which guns work (and where) and then to level them up a bit.

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I'm Flexmoney87 on Xbox. (We may or may not be on that 2Alpha 2Alpha server, but we play often enough on other servers)

I have taken to calling choppers "Frazier". As in... http://www.hark.com/clips/wspcywglfn-down-goes-frazier

I try to say "down goes Frazier" every time I kill a chopper. Which has to be very annoying to my team/party. hehe

I am going to have to change it up a little. maybe...I think Joe is hurt

fwiw...I play at about a C-class level, with moments of A-class.

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