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24" non ported barrel mossberg 930


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  • 2 months later...

That is the barrel from the 24" JM Pro. I was looking for one of those a couple of months ago to convert my 930 Tactical but since then acquired a 24" JM Pro model shotgun. One thing I have noticed in the JM Pro model is the action is a lot smoother than in the 930 Tactical I have also. Racking the bolt back takes less effort than the over the counter 930 does and it ejects more consistantly. Ran my first match with it this last weekend and used 2-3/4 express #6 loads from Win because they had some of the heavy knock over plates. Found myself changing chokes out twice in 4 stages. I elected to buy a set of Carlson extended chokes so I don't have to use a tool. Anyone interested in a set of 3 Mossberg 930 chokes and a wrench PM me.

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