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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Relax and smile


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For a while I was fighting a pretty bad flinch at the moment of trigger press. There was really no reason for this but it was happening none the less. Then it struck me.....an old mental trick....While rolling the trigger back try putting a small smile on your face! I swear this works great for me.....it's hard to flinch while smiling.

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For a while I was fighting a pretty bad flinch at the moment of trigger press. There was really no reason for this but it was happening none the less. Then it struck me.....an old mental trick....While rolling the trigger back try putting a small smile on your face! I swear this works great for me.....it's hard to flinch while smiling.

I like that a lot.

Sometimes I smile because I am happy. And sometimes, for no reason, a half smile will make me happy.


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I had a revelation this summer after shooting a local match. One of our local guy's wife is a very talented professional photographer. She was snapping pics at our match and happen to catch my ugly mug in action. As I'm viewing the pics my conversion with the 4yr old goes:

4yr old: "Daddy why do you look so serious"

Me: "Well honey shooting is serious business"

4yr old: "I thought you said shooting was fun"

Me: ........stumped for a sec "It is baby it, it is."

Here is the pic http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n483/sunlaha/38222228-DSC_6455.jpg

I've since lightened up a bit and try to balance fun with serious.

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Guileless candor is a gift given to children...especially 4 year olds!

I have an "almost" 4 year old and she teaches me things every day, it's a total trip. I try to listen to what she says, too. I'll have to ask her if I smile much to see what she says. ;)

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