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It's Kimel's Birthday

Vince Pinto

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H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y - K I M E L

and may you have many, many more to come.

(Note written in secret ink, visible only to non-Americans): Judging by the number of American birthdays falling in August, methinks that more goes on at those Thanksgiving Day parties than huge family gatherings around an enormous turkey. Maybe they should call it "Gimme Some Lovin' Day") ;):P

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It's the whole winter thing in some parts of the US. When it gets cold, people snuggle, which leads to babies (I really shoulda been listening when my dad gave me that "Birds and Bees" talk). :blink:

Happy birthday, dude!

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Oh man! You should have said something! Happy freakin' birthday!!!!

Your present: a couple rounds of five-stand out of petty cash. Get the heck out of the coal mine and let's go have some fun.

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Holy cow! I figured Vinne would start things off. Some year I need to figure out how to be there and follow my b-day around the globe. That would be cool.

Still a few hours before the big day but I think I will go enjoy a bit of Blanton's and get an early start on things. :D

Yo Eric! I'll take ya up on that offer man. I just gotta figure out how to sneak out of work.

Since Wifey has to work tomorrow night she says "we" are celebrating on Saturday. Hope the hangover is bearable for the steel match on Sunday morning..... :wacko:

Oh...and thanks everybody! :D

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Thanks Everyone!

Yep...had as much fun as possible given that the wife is still at work and will be until well after midnight.

Began the evening with a nice bottle of Stone Brewing Imperial Stout. What an incredible brew that is! :D Yes, I should have had that after dinner but, well, I had been thinking about it most of the day and just couldn't wait once I got home.

Then had a simple dinner (sliced grilled tri-tip on salad greens with lots of blue cheese) with a glass of homebrew Alt bier.

Followed that up with a pleasant phone conversation with a close friend who is too far away while enjoying a fine glass of Blanton's bourbon on the patio. Perfect evening. The kind of perfect evening that makes one glad they are alive. The kind of perfect evening that just can't be spoiled...or can it?

Then the dog started chasing a black and white "kitty" in the yard. Uh oh...what's that smell? :wacko: Ah yup...skunk. :(

However this isn't the first skunk encounter so I was prepared. Quick rinse with milk (won't hurt mouth or eyes and really neutralizes skunk stuff pretty well. Whole milk is best as the milk fat and protein is what does the job) followed up with my vet's favorite anti-skunk brew:

1 qt hydrogen peroxide

1/4 cup baking soda

1 t liquid dish soap

Mix that up well and apply to the skunk juice. It foams pretty good and then the odor is gone. It is amazing how well this stuff works. 100x better than the commercial preparations I have tried and a LOT cheaper. I have tried the old tomato juice remedy in the past and that just leaves me with a smelly pinkish colored dog. A trapper told me about the milk trick and that works very well and is totally safe.

Then doggie bath time and all is well again.

Time to comb out the dog so she doesn't have dreadlocks in the morning and then hit the hay.

Yeah...a bit more excitement than I might have wished for on my b-day but hey, it was a perfect evening...the kind of evening that made you glad you are alive. The kind of evening that couldn't be easily spoiled.

Thanks again for all the b-day wishes! It is great to be a part of the best forum on the planet. :D


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Tomorrow is the lunch bunch at Landt Farms (S. Clays). You call in sick, and I'll buy you lunch. ;)

(BTW, You missed an awesome day at the range: NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY was there. It was steel blasting nirvana. Wish you were there. )

Happy Birthday!!

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