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CM 03-06


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Limited 10. 10.28 seconds. 59 points with 20 penalties. I think the penalties were no shoots, but I don't really remember (it was December). All that adds up to a hit factor of 3.7938, which earned me a classifier percentage of 32.9191. This is the worst Limited 10 classifier I've had.

I shot it again several months later in Limited and had a failure to feed glitch with earned me a similar percentage.

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HF 8.6516

2 c's on T1 and one c on T4.

Prior to that run, i shot it in L-10 with my SS in 11.2 and 68 points. I had one mike.........

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lim10: 75pts in 10.06s good for a HF of 7.4553 which is 64.6903%. Which when I shot this (couple weeks ago) was my best ever percentage. Bad reload too, probably lost almost a half second on the reload.

- Gabe

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would it be safe to assume that if you were shooting this with revolver you would have to reload twice before engaging T1-T4 the through the barrel?

After shooting this one locally with revolver, and not having a clue how to do it correctly, I spoke with our local RM to try and clear it up afterwards. There were several wheelgunners at this special classifer and we all decided to do it the same way. After reviewing it and speaking with hdqrs, the RM said we did it legally and I don't doubt him. Just bringing this up for the other revolver shooters. What do you all think? For what it's worth, my effort got me 65% doing it this way.

We engaged T1 and T2 with two rounds each. Then engaged T3 and T4 with only one round each. Performed the mandatory reload and did the same thing through the barrel. Performed another reload and finished engaging T3 and T4 with one round each through the barrel and one round each over the barrel. This saved us one reload.

As I see that this is the classifer that is going to be at Area 3, I would like to hear other input.


Edited to add that we did this incorrectly according to the stage description as the descriptions says to engage T1-T4 with two rounds each, perform a mandatory reload and engage T1-T4 with two rounds each. Pretty clear, but obviously not when we shot it in April. We had it in our heads that all we had to do was engage the targets before doing the mandatory reload. Just wishful thinking, I guess.

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Shot this one Sunday at the Montgomery, AL club. It was the last stage on a hot, humid day and by the time we shot it, the barrel looked more like an elipse than a circle. I was second to shoot and decided the only way I was going to get low enough was to go into a "cross legged sit". It actually worked pretty well and I was in a good stable position with a good sight picture.

The guy after me went down on a one knee crouch and foot faulted on all four targets.

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i shot it this weekend at my local monthly match. I shot it like crap. I had 2 mikes on the same target, one was the first shot and and the next was the first shot after the reload. :angry:

56 points

2 mikes = -20points

9.48 seconds

3.798 Hit factor :(

Nice D class performance

Hopefully i shoot this better at Area 3

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  • 4 weeks later...

shot this yesterday at the summer blast. i usually screw up classifiers that have hard cover or no-shoots. i dont necesarily need to slow down, i just need better focus on each shot.

with good front sight focus i had 70 points (3 Cs, 1 D) in 8.17 seconds. for the barrel shots i just dropped into a squat. 83% on the ohio calculator.

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This post has been edited by Flexmoney: Yesterday, 02:55 PM
much better...thanks flex ;)

i had been trying to post from work, where the forums are now blocked. so i have to go through a translator service...sometimes i can post, sometimes i cant...and sometimes i can, but it appears that i cant (thus the multiple posts yesterday).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at Summer Blast and watched several shooters run through this COF. I noticed that some folks would drop to one knee and shoot over the barrel before reloading and shooting through the barrel. I was wondering, since I'm not the most flexible person, how far into the barrel can I put my body? I see nothing in the description that would limit me. Just wondering.


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  • 3 weeks later...
I was at Summer Blast and watched several shooters run through this COF. I noticed that some folks would drop to one knee and shoot over the barrel before reloading and shooting through the barrel. I was wondering, since I'm not the most flexible person, how far into the barrel can I put my body? I see nothing in the description that would limit me. Just wondering.



as far as you want to be. I was well into the barrel shooting strong hand only after the reload.....

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's with this going in to the barrel and shooting strong hand stuff? Are you guys shooting through coffee cans? Hell, our barrel was a little squished and I could see and engage everything from the back of the box, shooting freestyle.

Stay far enough back that you won't smack the barrel on the draw, reload, or when going low. Do the reload while going down. You have to get that hand on the mag early because the mag position changes as you squat or kneel. (I'm a squatter and I set my feet unusually far apart at the start, box edge to edge, because it made for a better view through the barrel when squatting.)

Getting your gun or forearms into the barrel sounds like wasted motion, which is wasted time. However, it can probably be done without waste. Maybe it's dependent on body type but I just don't see the need.

Flex, beats me. I shot a recent 87% that will drag things down and one of my 100%s should expire soon.

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We shot this at Richmond on Sunday - I saw one person on the squad lay down in the barrel, with an open gun. Others crouching for the first engagment.

Still, with being a little taller then some, getting down to my weak side knee, I could see everything fine. Besides that, just like Erik described, I figured shooting the first 8 from a normal freestyle stance would come more naturally.

For a 'just barely into B-class' shooter (61%), I had a decent 8.19 time with 75 points.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You guys are kicking my butt!

I let the no-shoots intimidate me (had a mike earlier in the match), and I was trying to protect my position a little too much.

70 pts. 11.58 secs. 6.0449 HF B Class Limited

The LOW barrel didn't help at all either. I'd love to shoot this one again while not in wuss mode.

I figure it's good for 49.8%, definitely C class.

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Shot this last week. L-10, 74 points in 7.4 secounds for an even 10.00HF. Look like it should be an 86%.

My secret was not knowing I was up next, then having the first round at LAMR not feed, so as the buzzer goes off I an wondering if my gun will actually function. Don't think, just shoot.

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Shot this Sunday, 75 pts, no penalties, 10.07, 7.4479 HF, 61.3946% according to the Ohio calculator.

I moved into C class Limited after my July classifier. This is my highest % yet on a classifier, and it keeps me on track to move into B class (60% or better on this one and the four following).

I think I lost a half second or so after the first shot thru the barrel. Our barrel is plastic, and the reverberation felt like someone punched me in the face.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shot it Sunday...

With both my STI and SV with Benny, I had to use the old Glock 20. I was going to try to make GM in Prod, but I didn't feel like taking the Grams basepads off the mags that morning. I shot Limited instead, but from a Production rig. Wierd, I know.

Limited 72pts 6.58sec 10.9422 HF....looks that'll be low 90's%

In production it would've been 106%!

I should have swapped those basepads that morning... :angry:

I don't like the classifier. The "box" is too tight for big/tall people. If they would just say "standing behind barrel..", it would be better.


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