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Dillon is the standard!

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In a time when most American born company's have gone to parts unknown in search of cheap labor and higher profits leaves many to wonder whatever became of the American manufacturer, the quality, and customer service that was the standard for everything NOT MADE IN THE USA. Well it is not gone, it is not dead, it lives breaths and thrives in Arizona.

Less than a month ago my cousin made a jackpot discovery that had been hiding in his family's garage for over 20 years. This proverbial lotto ticket comes in the form of an RL 550. There were various dies, beam scales, and even a Thumblers Tumbler in the box of goodies, but definitely the biggest prize was that powder blue press. The presses original owner was my Uncle Buddy. Long retired and moved away back to the Phillipines. He had originally earned passage into the US by serving the country in the Navy (not everyone can be Army)during Vietnam. The press was one of his first purchases after being introduced to bulls eye matches in the early 80's. Many a bullet was made by him, and his whole family. I remember coming to his house for family parties where he would show his children, and nephews how to make bullets. At 5 or 6 all I can remember from those lessons were case, powder check, and bullet, the pulling of the lever of course was done by one his own older children. In the early 90's he retired and left his equipment in his first cousins garage, and there it sat in disrepair collecting dust, drying up, and getting splashed with rust.

There was no keeping this beauty in disrepair once my cousin and I had found it. I quickly called Dillon and asked about the lifetime warranty and if there was anything they could do. They asked if we could take it apart and send in the parts that were old or broken. I said I could but would like the integrity, and every piece of the press to be checked, and that being new to reloading I could not really tell what was serviceable and what was not. They said for that there would be a refurbishing fee of 67 dollars. At first I was a little apprehensive (that's what I call it; my wife calls it CHEAP)but was assured by Dillon customer service that the overhaul would be worth the money so I jumped right in. In exactly 2.5 weeks it was Christmas and inside the package that was left was a machine I did not recognize as the machine I sent. Every piece was spruced up, oiled, or replaced, and there was a lot of parts that were upgraded as well.

The running total of upgraded parts, and repairs equaled well over 340 but I was only charged the 67.

Dillon stood by their 25 year old product, improved it, repaired it, and will help maintain this family's shooting lifestyle for more generations to come.

So to whoever from Dillon may be listening, I THANK YOU, you have made a customer for life.

Attached are the before and after pictures of the press both of which brought back great memories of shooting, and reloading with their father when his children saw them posted on my Facebook. I will post some pics once the press is mounted and up and running.





Last for the non-believers.


Edited by jonb.
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I was having issues with the priming system on my SL-900 12 gauge shotgun reloader. I called Dillon and asked if they would send out 3 pieces which in part make up the priming system. I was told yes. A couple of days later a good size box arrives from Dillon. I received the three asked for parts but they were included on a complete SL-900 priming system. For those of you who are familiar with the 900 you know that what I received free of charge is a MAJOR component on the 900. My guess is that the cost of this unit would be a couple of hundred dollars if purchased. Now you know why I also have a 650, small tumbler, media separator, electronic scale and a host of caliber and gauge changes for my Dillon machines.

I bleed blue!


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Dillon is simply the best! Except for an old Rock Chucker Press all my reloaders are Dillon Blue! My old RL550 was given almost $218 in new parts when I sent it in also, and returned looking like a brand new press like yours.

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