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KKM barrel needs lower front sight?


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On my 35 I have a Dawson FO sight set with the .285 front sight. With both factory (Atlanta Arms, UMC, etc.) when I sight in at the range it prints low. I have my adjustment all the way up on the rear so I am considering a lower (.270) front sight. Has anyone else had to do this?

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At that point I would take it to the range and figure out how low it prints at 25 yards/ 50 yards. Then figure out what your desired 0 range is (I use 25 for regional matches, and 50 for big matches.) Then call Dave Dawson and use their sight page to calculate your custom front sight.

Hope this helps

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Already did that and I am very close to .275 (well I did not call Dave) so between the rear adjustment and lower front (calc came out to .009 for needed up with full upward rear adjustment) so the .270 comes closest with a .105 front FO sight.

Was more looking for anyone else who had experienced this and had to make changes. Looking for data points. Given time to GA State match, and time, I am making a couple range trips and calculating my holds. Will make changes when I can.

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