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S&W 22A Shoots high


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I've been using a S&W 22A for the Ruger Rimfire series. Overall, I've been very happy with the gun. It started very ammo finicky and with extraction problems, but S&W worked on it under warranty (outstanding Customer Service BTW!!) and it's been great ever since. I shoot Federal Auto Match in practice, and Eley Club in matches. Bang for the buck it can't be beat, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was shopping for a Model 41 to replace it with.

This gun has always shot an inch or two high at 15yards (a typical steel plate range). I've adjusted the rear sites down all the way, and it only helped a bit. I've notched the rear site slightly (making it wider and lower for a faster site picture acquisition at the expense of some precision) but that doesn't really move the POA/POI relationship unless you cut the top edge down.

Has anyone had this issue? Are there any options?


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