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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Being born without the POS gene!

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My current job is not ALL bad. But for the life of me the managers can not get a schedule right to save their asses! The schedule routinely comes out with random days that I am not scheduled to work. These are in addition to my scheduled days off. I have always pointed it out to them and they are shocked that they made the mistake. rolleyes.gif So here I am after being off all weekend, again not scheduled to work today or tomorrow. I mentioned it last week but nobody took any interest so I just stayed home. And, man is it killing me. I know your average guy would just let it go but I have never been the type to shirk work responsibility. I am one of those morons who will go to his grave all proud of the fact that he never took a sick day in his life when he really was not sick in bed.

Being semi retired helps since I will go unpaid for the days without it killing me but the mental part of it is a different story. Right now I wish I had been born with at least a little of the piece of shit gene in me.mad.gif

Oh well, it is afterall my 29th anniversary today. My wife is home during the day today as well so it worked out I guess!cheers.gif

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