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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Deteriorating skills


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Hands getting worse, grip strength going which is having a very big effect on my shooting skills. I have tried about everything I can. (Less recoil, different grip size, exercise, diet,.....) Last straw was my poor performance at my favorite match of the year. I couldn't make hits I usually have no problem with. Hits I got were slow, second stage I could no longer release mag so had to switch to weaker hand operating mag release. What this does to the mind is unbelievable.

Can't wait for hand surgery in November with hopes things will get at least a little better. Never should have waited this long.

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I hear ya Round Gun. Sounds like you have a posible solution. I presume carpal tunnel? I have a diabetic neuropathy that only gets worse with time. I've kinda given up shooting bottom feeders as I drop mags at exactly the wrong time. Can't tell how tight I'm gripping the gun so tend toward overly tight. Wouldn't want to drop the gun therefore dropped mags. It's also why I shoot 45 revo. Bigger pieces are easier to handle. Getting old REALLY sucks. :angry2:

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