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Caliber Conversions for Bullet Feeders

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I've read threads on Bullet Feeders till my head hurts. I gather most people prefer the Mr. Bullet Feeder to other brands, so this isn't a question about personal preference or testimonials but one specific to caliber conversions.

In looking at the design of the collators themselves it seems to me that the RCBS collator would be a better choice for someone who loaded multiple pistol calibers on the same press as it wouldn't require a 150.00 caliber conversion kit to switch from .40 to .45 or even to .38.

In my particular case I'm reloading on the cheap. A single 1050 with multiple tool heads for 3 calibers (.40, .45 and .223.) The case feeder with a .45 plate works with both .40 and .45, and it would be nice if one had a bullet feeder that would do the same. The RCBS apparently does this. So my question is this, does anyone have experience running the NEW Mr. Bullet Feeder with a .45 collator plate and successfully getting it to work with .40 bullets? With the Feeder priced at 479.00 and the conversions running 150.00 each, one could justify buying a second feeder instead of 2 conversions if the .45 would also work with .40.


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  • 4 weeks later...

i plan to just buy the feeder die then attach a 3ft plastic tube to the top of it as the "hopper" so i don't have to spend all the extra $$$ on the electric hopper. sure i'll have to fill it like a primer tube filler but if i can put 50 5.56 in it at once and say 100 9mm it would go a lot faster than hand loading it myself. i'd just get a few different tubes with cotter pins pre loaded so i can pre-load say 500 rounds it would make things go waaaay faster unless you count the initial set up then maybe not but ehh it saves some money i guess.

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i plan to just buy the feeder die then attach a 3ft plastic tube to the top of it as the "hopper" so i don't have to spend all the extra $$$ on the electric hopper. sure i'll have to fill it like a primer tube filler but if i can put 50 5.56 in it at once and say 100 9mm it would go a lot faster than hand loading it myself. i'd just get a few different tubes with cotter pins pre loaded so i can pre-load say 500 rounds it would make things go waaaay faster unless you count the initial set up then maybe not but ehh it saves some money i guess.

I dont have a 223 dropper yet. Although I do do what your talking about with 40, 45, and 9mm. I use the hornady bullet feeder set up with clear poly tubing from Linens and things.com works great! It seems up the reloading process alot even when you factor in the time to load the tubes.

So I can order a 223 dropper set up from DAA for 90 bucks?

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