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Waiting for Air Force OTS 12OT03 Board Results


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I applied to be a pilot in January and the months have flown by.... until now. Time has screeched to a halt.

16 days remaining until the results are announced.

Had a great resume, good interview, great letters of recommendation, 99 AFOQT, 98 PCSM. Still plagued by doubt every morning about my chances of making it in, or making it in and being made a navigator or drone pilot against my will. Being a defense contractor, I work with active duty personnel that have been volun-told for a career path they never wanted and that terrifies me.

The suspense is killing me!

Wish I could go into time machine and pop out two weeks from now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a 96 on the AFOQT (or whatever they called it back then) but in the end I turned down the offer they made me. I kinda regret that now but who knows, it may have been for the best. You have to do what is right for you. Best of luck in whatever you choose.


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Drone technology is the future and plenty of pilots say they love it. If you want to take out bad guys, you have a much better chance of getting to do that by flying a drone than by flying an F15/16/22/35. The VERY significant contributions of the Predator, Reaper and supposedly soon-to-be-gone Global Hawk are lost on Americans. IMO, those platforms have done more for our country than any other in the past 15 yrs.

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Good Luck!

OTS and flying for the AF was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I took a Nav slot, and did 8 years in B-52s. It was a great experience.

OTS was not hard physically, but the academics seem to catch some off guard. People get so wrapped up in becoming little miltary people they forget to study. Be in shape before you show up, STUDY HARD, and OTS is a cake walk.

FWIW, UPT is designed not to teach you to actually fly so much.... almost any monkey can do that, given enough time. Flying is pretty easy actually. What they teach to do at UPT is fly and learn under pressure, on a time table. The military way. Keep up with a ridiculous work load, under constant pressure, the exact way they want you to fly..... and you'll do great. No room for attitude problems, or slow learners. If you have time to take a ground school class, Weather class, etc, before going it would help.... not to make you a better pilot per se, but to ease your workload when you get there, somewhat. And remember, most pilots in the AF fly heavies, not fighters... so if you want fighters, you better bring it.

And remember - have fun!

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