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"tactical" what does it mean to 3 gun

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This topic has come up over beers at matches lately and I thought it was time we brought it out into he open. Our sport is supposedly rooted in what is practical, and tactical. Does tactical mean that anything that makes sense on the battlefield should be allowed? Are beta mags practical, are they tactical? People seem to like big mags, high magnification scopes, and all manner of doodads, should they be allowed or not? We talk about rules fairly often, but what principles drive those rules? I would like to see a dialogue started on this subject. Thoughts?


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This topic has come up over beers at matches lately and I thought it was time we brought it out into he open. Our sport is supposedly rooted in what is practical, and tactical. Does tactical mean that anything that makes sense on the battlefield should be allowed? Are beta mags practical, are they tactical? People seem to like big mags, high magnification scopes, and all manner of doodads, should they be allowed or not? We talk about rules fairly often, but what principles drive those rules? I would like to see a dialogue started on this subject. Thoughts?


I think that Tactical should be renamed because there are a lot of things not allowed in Tactical that are used in the real world. Such as off set optics on rifles, optics on shotguns, etc. Open should be a test bed division where we test concepts. But Tactical should allow what is used in the real world and there are a lot of things that are used in real life that put you in open class. Just and observation. I am perfectly fine leaving things the way they are but Tactical is not really tactical.


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Tactical is the most overused word in the firearms world. For that reason alone I think it should be renamed :sight: .

Honestly, what else would/should we rename it, Patrol? Limited sounds good to me, oh wait USPSA already did that. Who cares what it's called really, I kind of like it, being LE it helps to explain it to the guys I need to ask time off from :D

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Tactical is the most overused word in the firearms world. For that reason alone I think it should be renamed :sight: .

Honestly, what else would/should we rename it, Patrol? Limited sounds good to me, oh wait USPSA already did that. Who cares what it's called really, I kind of like it, being LE it helps to explain it to the guys I need to ask time off from :D

I know you can buy all kinds of stuff that is labled tactical that is not. Tactical pens, letter openers etc. :roflol:

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Tactical, in 3 gun, I think is less in reference to the gear and more of the metal methods used to solve the problems. Even though many stages are strictly designed to be accomplished in one way.

Although Benny is right, I mean, CMMG sells Tactical Bacon.

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If you think "tactical" is a funny word to use, try looking up the word "practical" there is lots and lots of stuff that is practical to some and deemed unusable by way of the rules!!


Edited by bigbrowndog
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i shoot 3 gun with a lot of military guys in the spec ops area. ft Bragg/Ft Benning. they use their work gear. many, thats all they have.

i will be at Rock Castle with my work gear. i will have to take a micro h-1 off my Schmidt and Bender to be legal. no body armor. will be clean. wont have the 10 ar mags either. smoke would be fun, buuut ????. probably will leave the radio,nods and "can" & peq-15,locked in the truck. my ar /pistol with be what I use where ever i am in the world. we only use shotties for breaching but mine will be a 1100 chip McCormick tuned for me 20 or so years ago. with a new bbl. (damn porting rules).

the gear is not close. the shooters are not even on the same planet. u run into a "hot area" that fast i will shoot u my self. (if u get out alive). i use this gear cause open is silly for me, A GAME. the tac ops is as close as i can get to every day work. allows me to test new stuff and get in a little practice when i am home. tks to LINDA CHICO, i will be able to shoot it again this year. just got home. still asleep.

i enjoy the tactical challenge. if u want to MAKE IT BETTER, make 3-4 stages surprise. dont need to walk thru and figure mag changes. still its pretty damn cool as is.

just like to shoot 3 gun. must be a junkie. not meant to piss anyone off, but this is the why and how i come to these. many of the guys i have known for years are great shooters and i can spend time and watch them shoot.see new toys. get ideas. eat a lot. sleep a lot.



Edited by jjw
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I agree that both "tactical" and "practical" are over used and abused. In my mind if you formulate a plan and assemble gear to accomplish a mission (in this instance,shooting a stage)you are thinking tactically and if your plan and gear work out well then it was practical. Just my .02 YMMV..



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I agree that both "tactical" and "practical" are over used and abused. In my mind if you formulate a plan and assemble gear to accomplish a mission (in this instance,shooting a stage)you are thinking tactically and if your plan and gear work out well then it was practical. Just my .02 YMMV..



Nice! Very well put!

I much prefer Craptical to Tactical.

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It ment very little before, but now that we are shooting at "pizza boxes", and flying clays instead of using buckshot/breaching rounds it means even less than before. Perhapse we should re-name all of them to "none, some, a lot", with of course "he-man none and he-man some"

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It ment very little before, but now that we are shooting at "pizza boxes", and flying clays instead of using buckshot/breaching rounds it means even less than before. Perhapse we should re-name all of them to "none, some, a lot", with of course "he-man none and he-man some"

Now wait just a minute Miller. Are you trying to intimate that in the middle of a lethal confrontation, tactically slaying all that come before you, that you don't stop to drop a quail for dinner? Sissy.

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If you don't label something "tactical" it won't sell to all the couch commando's.


My humble two cents is this, Practical shooting I believe now days refers to gun handling and actual shooting skills obtained through practice and used in competition...

Tactical is something different. For instance the difference between our game and "the real world" is simply tactics. You shoot and manipulate the weapon the same way on the competition range as you do on patrol; however, on patrol you use cover, concealment, tactical reloads and whatever other tactic you can to gain a position of advantage over a threat.

I like the term "Limited" myself but Tac-Optics or whatever else it's being called is fine. Like someone else stated before (the remark about tactical pens and what not) just because it's called tactical doesn't mean it is. If I put Diaper wipes in a camo wrapper does that make them tactical (though that may be a lucrative idea)?

Plus like Mr. Hill said Tactical brings in the Couch Commandos... and I'll let ya'll decided if thats a good thing.

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Paint it black and it becomes "tactical"!

Haven't you heard, Black sucks, it now has to be FDE or Multi-Cam. :roflol:

I also agree with Matt, Gun handling is what is learned through USPSA or IDPA, not tactics. Either sport teaches you to shoot faster while maintaining accuracy and keep the gun running. Tactics also change too much per situation to have a set of rules that dictate whether you used good tactics or not, your ability can do the same thing in some situations. As to the OP, I think maybe we are getting off on too much of a tangent.

Changing the names of what divisions we use is going to be a double edged sword. Keep tactical maybe we will bring out more people who like that word. Change it to Limited, maybe we can bring in more mainstream people. Maybe we should go to the turtle targets in USPSA too. I don't know if really matters as far as a numbers standpoint. If you try to appease anyone you will make someone else angry in the end your market share will most likely remain unchanged. Maybe it's worth a try, maybe not. It's just a word, but words mean different things to different people.

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