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1st SV 5.4 Sight Tracker has Arrived


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Finally got some alone time with gun to take some pics after wiping off the drool from many of my fellow shooters. Brandon did a great job on this pistol (as usual). Can't wait to really shoot it versus the traditional 5inch Sight Tracker and a 6 inch bushing gun.


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SV does not offer the polymer grips anymore as they make many different variations of the grip now in different metals (stainless, aluminum and even Titanium if you have the $$$). This is a Signature Grip in Stainless steel with the Mobius Cutout along with the Skater Terrain feature. With the Infinicoat treated parts now running on the metal grip kit, the trigger was is fabulous. A slight breeze or a naughty though is all it takes with a crisp reset.

Part of my deal with SV is that "Yes, you can shoot this pistol" if you see me at a match. Happy to let you try it out. This way you too can drink the Kool-aid and eat the brownies. Just warning you now. You'll want one. I mean really, really want one. And this one is not for sale....but I know this guy who knows a guy at the SV factory.



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Ok, I did the dumbest thing possible this weekend. I brought the pistol to a local match so that some folks could see it/touch it ect....but I was going to shoot the 5 inch since the 5.4 is not yet Limited legal. OOOpps. Forgot to put the 5 inch pistol in the bag. So.......I shot the 5.4 in Open for a match without ever even test firing the pistol or sighting it in. The only thing I had done was disasemble it and clean it this week as I was super busy for work. The gun ran flawless and I ended up 3rd Open right behind G-Man Bart (1st) and Jake Divita (2nd). Not the smartest thing to do but it goes to show the quality of the pistol and the people who build them.

There is a different pulse on this pistol when in recoil compared to the standard 5 inch. It is softer with the exact same load as the 5 inch, so Trace was correct in pointing this out to me. I understand the desire for the longer sight radius of the 6 inch but without the weight of a traditional 6 inch gun. The 5.4 may be the answer. And yes.....it does fit in the box with a 124mm+2SV wedge pad in the gun with plenty of wiggle room thanks to lowered rear sight that SV makes/uses.

Just an incredible peice of hardware. You can't go wrong getting one (or two....)


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If someone down south wants to shoot one mine will be available very soon. I have a 5" and a 6" now so I think this will be a great balance between the two pistols. If anyone ever wants to shoot any of my SVI limited or SS guns shoot me a message and I will make sure it's in the bag for the match. Once the sweet kool aid crosses your lips you will be a convert for life!

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Ok, I did the dumbest thing possible this weekend. I brought the pistol to a local match so that some folks could see it/touch it ect....but I was going to shoot the 5 inch since the 5.4 is not yet Limited legal. OOOpps. Forgot to put the 5 inch pistol in the bag. So.......I shot the 5.4 in Open for a match without ever even test firing the pistol or sighting it in. The only thing I had done was disasemble it and clean it this week as I was super busy for work. The gun ran flawless and I ended up 3rd Open right behind G-Man Bart (1st) and Jake Divita (2nd). Not the smartest thing to do but it goes to show the quality of the pistol and the people who build them.

There is a different pulse on this pistol when in recoil compared to the standard 5 inch. It is softer with the exact same load as the 5 inch, so Trace was correct in pointing this out to me. I understand the desire for the longer sight radius of the 6 inch but without the weight of a traditional 6 inch gun. The 5.4 may be the answer. And yes.....it does fit in the box with a 124mm+2SV wedge pad in the gun with plenty of wiggle room thanks to lowered rear sight that SV makes/uses.

Just an incredible peice of hardware. You can't go wrong getting one (or two....)


What load?

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To the Crew From Ohio that haunts my match's............

There is no sign up sheet to shoot this pistol as this pistol does not exist. Remember, "These are not the droids your looking for".

Since you guys are so good at breaking everything else at my range, do you really think I want ya'll to try this out?

Oh, allright. Trace allready broke it in for me, so I might as well let you guys try it out. Just be warned. You'll want one. You won't want to spend the $$ but you will want one just like it. And I just happen to know a guy who knows someone at the SV Factory............


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I'm glad you like it. Hopefully I'll have mine with the short dustcover/stirrup cut before I see you at a match and you can shoot them "side by side". :cheers:

And hopefully I'll have mine with the Butler cut and full length dustcover fluting to try as well. :devil: :devil: :devil:

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I'm glad you like it. Hopefully I'll have mine with the short dustcover/stirrup cut before I see you at a match and you can shoot them "side by side". :cheers:

And hopefully I'll have mine with the Butler cut and full length dustcover fluting to try as well. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Exactly :sight:

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Stop telling Trace about all these guns. He only has so much ammo to try out in all your guns as they come down the factory assembly line. (just kidding Trace.....).

Now he'll have more guns to order so that he has the entire lineup that SV has ever made. In order to do that, we'll all have to wait an additional 6 months on our orders just so they can fill all of Trace's first. Way to go guys......

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Sight Tracker every day of the week and twice on Tuesdays. It has a "different" pulse during recoil. I shoot an SV single stack in .40 with the same loads as my 5 inch wide body and it is a softer recoil pulse (probally due to less mass of the slide moving back at you) and the weight of the rib on the barrel keeping the nose down more than a traditional 1911. Once you get used to a Sight Tracker, you don't want to shoot anything else.

When Brandon/SV starts making 6 inch Sight Trackers (you know they will), those would be a hot ticket to have in USPSA Limited Division. I allmost ordered one but I didn't really want to train with a 5 inch for IPSC and a 6 inch for USPSA. That is why I got the 5.4 as it is the best of both worlds. I have shot a few of the new 6 inch SV traditional 1911 wide body's and I will take a 5 inch Sight Tracker over them (or my 5.4). Once you drink fine wine, good brandy ect.. you don't ever want to go back to the $3 stuff. Same thing here. There is a difference. It is easy to see and to feel. ( I still blame Taran Butler for making me shoot his pre USPSA approved Sight Tracker back in 04 for my addiction problems now.) So find someone else to blame and order one from the factory. You will be glad that you did.

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