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Rules on Steel Plate Size

Mark K

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Long as I have been looking at the rule book, this never struck me. Appendix B5 - I had always looked at it and thought it said there are 8" round plates, and 12" round plates....... When what it says is 8" minimum and 12" maximum. I read that to mean any dimension in between is also legal. Right?

I bought twenty 10" steel rounds from a machine shop as scrap, and thought I would either cut them down to the 8" size for pistol (thinking that was what was legal), or would just use them as is for Multi-gun shotgun targets.

Mark k

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Thanks all.

Yeah we have plates of all sizes from 4" to 12", used mostly for shotgun matches (a bunch of 4" as replacements for clays - trying to save the cost and mess - leaving real clays for really close shots), but have been using just the 8" and 12" for Pistol and Rifle.

Now another option.


Mark K

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  • 2 months later...

I didn't want to start a new thread, but I'm wondering whats the call here on plates? It seems pretty clear cut in the rules, but I don't remember that last local club match I shot where we used plates of the Appendix B5 size, stars and racks excluded.

Is it pretty typical for ranges to use free standing plates smaller than the specs in B5?

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