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quickest & best way to weigh your SS


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Use a digital hanging scale, commonly used for fishing.

Hang it from the trigger guard.

That's how my father and I weigh are bicycles.

Or any digital scale with a platter. I imagine you could use anything as a platter and just use the zero/tare function.

Edited by JaeOne3345
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however you weigh it doesnt really matter. the only thing that matters is how its weighed at the chrono and how over/under the scale is.

mine came in at 43.05, spent a good 30 minutes hogging out the back side of a pair of VZ's with a dremel to get it to 42.5.

go to weigh in at chrono and it comes in at 41.0

awesome but ultimately pointless as it could have also just as easily have come in at 44/45.

having said all that -

i just put mine down with a mag in and check it with each mag.

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A friend of mine is a narc, so he let me borrow his portable evidence scale. It said my gun weighed 47 lbs and had a street value of $71 million.roflol.gifroflol.gif

Seriously, I bought a postal scale (under $30) and confirmed its accuracy by weighing a few objects on other scales. That process, and maintaining a 1 oz+ buffer between my gun and 43 oz has been more than sufficient to keep me in my desired division.

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I bought one of these. Cheap, and accurate enough to keep me legal. (as long as the match scale is accurate and properly set up)


I use the same one.

To check my scale I put a bunch of change in a plastic baggie until it weighed 43 ozs then took the same bag of change to the Post Office and weighed it on theri sale in the lobby. My scale weighs 0.2 ozs heavy according to that test.

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I have one of these:

Postal Scale

I use it for my SS gun testing, for weighing out brass when I sell it, weighing packages so that I can just print lables on USPS.com website and used it at the AL Sectional for the Chrono Stage. Works on power adapter or batteries.

Well worth the small price.

Mark K

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