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My opinion is that they went to far on the difficulty.

It became clear to everyone that you needed to be lucky(not good) to get your hits on some of the swinger.

I like challenging stages, but give me a plate a 30 yards, not a moving target with a no-shoot on it.

People practice to hard and travel to far to come and have to roll dice to see if they do well.

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My opinion is that they went to far on the difficulty.

It became clear to everyone that you needed to be lucky(not good) to get your hits on some of the swinger.

I like challenging stages, but give me a plate a 30 yards, not a moving target with a no-shoot on it.

People practice to hard and travel to far to come and have to roll dice to see if they do well.

I will attempt at keeping it easy here because it is posts like this that upset me.

The Florida open is a big match that draws competitors from all over the world. Most people would be disappointed if all the targets were in your face. There were some very challenging shots at this match and that is what made it a good combination. Each challenging shot had an alternate less risky way of shooting it and it was up to you to decide.

If all of the stages were in your face, I would have been extremely disappointed .

Each time I make a mistake on a stage, or can't tackle some of a more complex nature, it tells me what I need to practice for the next match.

I will summarize with this statement . Just like your mother use to say, " if you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all".

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Perhaps you should have shot stage 2 like I did. I engaged 5 paper targets first before engaging the swinger. By the time I got to the swinger, it was moving so slow that I could seethe perforations on the target.

If you are talking about stage 5, that was a challenging stage also. The timing was odd but still several ways to shoot it. All of the swingers were in your face. Not sure why you are complaining about that.

Edited by Matt P.
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Stage 2 had only had 16 shooters out of 127 in limited come away without a penalty.

Getting your hit on that swinger wa luck, no skill.

Stage had only had 23 shooters out of 127 in limited come away without a penalty.

The Limited match winner shot 84% of the points.

You are flat WRONG. if you drop the cannon (bowling) ball shoot the rest or the stage quick enough then return to shoot the swinger in would almost be motionless. No luck at all you just have to make 4 thirty yd. shots and don't hit the no shoots. = skill not luck & thinking, not giving up. Thanks

Edited by a matt
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I will summarize with this statement . Just like your mother use to say, " if you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all".

And just as those challenging shots teach you a lesson, so should feedback that doesn't meet your ideal of praise.

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I was one of the many shooters that got my butt handed to me on stages 2 and 3. Were they too tough, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Were they tough, ABSOLUTELY YES. That is why I return every year to shoot the Florida Open. This is the most technical match you will shoot all year, outside of Nationals. I personally think the stages are better than Nationals ( but then again I've never been so I'm biased :devil: ). Florida Open is one of the premier matches all year. I for one hope they don't make the match any easier. I look forward to the challenge. This match takes all of those hosers that rely on speed only and brings them back down to earth.

Hats off to Shannon and the rest of the staff at the Florida Open. Another great match.

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My opinion is that they went to far on the difficulty.

It became clear to everyone that you needed to be lucky(not good) to get your hits on some of the swinger.

I like challenging stages, but give me a plate a 30 yards, not a moving target with a no-shoot on it.

People practice to hard and travel to far to come and have to roll dice to see if they do well.

Thers always IDPA......;-)

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First time at the Florida Open for me. Yeah it was tough... I'm not a top shooter yet but I got good hits on most of the swingers- it was the open targets that got me. I thought the match was spectacular. Only thing I didn't like personally was shooting thru the soft cover.. it put us short guys at a disadvantage on the left array. Plus you never know if your rounds will actually go thru the softcover or hit wood and redirect the bullet. There were no goofy starts or anything... just 10 awesome field courses. Like another poster said most stages gave shooters several options on how to shoot it. I loved the facilities and the staff and hope to be able to go again next year!

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I will summarize with this statement . Just like your mother use to say, " if you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all".

And just as those challenging shots teach you a lesson, so should feedback that doesn't meet your ideal of praise.

All feedback is good to post whether negative or positive. What I don't care for is when negativity comes from poor sportsmanship which is how I interrupted his post.

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WAC Jr Shooters Team cam away doing very well. We all enjoyed the match and time with our shooting friends! Jason took Master and Top Junior, Seth 1st C, and Evan 4th C. It was difficult but fair, and our 15 yr olds managed it.


Edited by frankge
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I've shot with Jason he's a prodigy. That might be a stretch then again? Great attitude I'm sure he will go far. Congrats to all the Jr. Shooter, great showing in Fl. at a great match!!

Edited by a matt
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I was one of the many shooters that got my butt handed to me on stages 2 and 3. Were they too tough, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Were they tough, ABSOLUTELY YES. That is why I return every year to shoot the Florida Open. This is the most technical match you will shoot all year, outside of Nationals. I personally think the stages are better than Nationals ( but then again I've never been so I'm biased :devil: ). Florida Open is one of the premier matches all year. I for one hope they don't make the match any easier. I look forward to the challenge. This match takes all of those hosers that rely on speed only and brings them back down to earth.

Hats off to Shannon and the rest of the staff at the Florida Open. Another great match.

Just what I was thinking, great match, great people.

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I don't know the stage or target in question but from stages I have seen before where a swinger was made to be challenging sometimes its better just to forget it. If its so difficult to hit that 90% of the shooters took penalties, it has become an "option" target. If nobody is scoring full points on it then it really doesn't matter if you do or not. Activate it, engage it and leave. You hit factor will probably be way higher not worrying about it then if you hang around trying to get your hits. Minimize the time spent in that position. I have literally seen stages where your HF is way higher by just firing one or two at it and moving on then seriously trying to hit it.

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I think almost every stage was deceiving in that it tempted you to not pay attention to the details and try to just blast away without paying attention to what you were doing. I know that looking back, there a number of Mikes that just shouldn't have happened, but the targets (for me) where just far enough away that I should not have tried to point shoot while running (way above my skill level). Fun Match though!

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