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Magazine Tuning


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There has been some discussion about general magazine set ups but I haven't seen anything discussing addressing issues with the sizing of the feed lips.

One of my magazines has a large enough opening that it will allow the occasional round to pop straight out of the top as can be seen in the photo below.

This is a new CZ 18 round mag with very little use. I can use my calipers to measure that it is wider at the top than my other mags but don't know the best approach to resizing the lips without damaging the mag tube.

Your advice is greatly appreciated.



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Is that popped up round the result of the mag dropping on the ground or did the round just pop up like that? Have you had any feeding issues with the mag?

ETA - Missed first pic. There are tools available for tuning 2011 mags, basically just smooth pliers. These are generally for opening the mags up though. Lightly tapping the lips with a nylon or brass hammer should do the trick.

Edited by Jonathan Taliani
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HI Al:

I shoot Springfield XD9. I have resized the lips on some other mags to fit by using a needle nose Vise Grip pliers to great success. Yes it might mar the finish but 14,000 rounds thru hasnt suffered any problems. I hope this helps. I am checking out he CZ's as a upgraded gun. Any encouragement; I am looking at a 75TS.


Edited by Max It
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Max It:

I have 2 TS'S and can say I love em!:-D. I recently bought a 6" Cheely 2011. I really like the gun, but can't say it is really any better for me. I like the heavier weight of the TS and the trigger is much lighter on the TS. Also the grip on the 2011 is a bit scrunched for me with a dawson ice magwell.

I would say handle one first as it it a large grip. But that can be reduced as well.(hve done it to 1 of mine and it is great!)

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  • 4 years later...

This is an old and dead thread but I figured it was better to resurrect it than to start a new one.


In any case, any recent experience with CZ 75 magazine tuning? Best specks for distance between feed lips, best methods, etc. ? 

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HI Ya, since this thread i have a CZ-75B SA (now 8,000 rounds) and the XD9 Tactical i mentioned above when i started (21,000) thru that one.

the lips on the mags for the XD have moved for some unexplainable reason as i had left off using it for competition a couple of years ago.

So i began doing Steel again and the mags for it that i had modified had failed to feed. i need to readjust.

meanwhile i got the CZ back in tune and it doesn't need any adjustments. so i have nothing to report on that one.

Good luck,



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I have tried to tune/fix CZ factory mags many times. At the end I stopped using them completely. The factory mags are just not that durable and sturdy as MecGar. I bought 17 rds mecgar mags and stopped thinking about mags ever since ( over two years). 

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3 hours ago, SlvrDragon50 said:

Don't think I've ever heard of anyone tuning 75 mags. They're pretty reliable.


I am being fussy. I've only got one mag so far that lets the round out enough to cause problems. 


With 2011's & Dawson tuning specs I just got into the habit of getting the feed lips blueprinted to spec once a year. With 75 mags probably much more something I prefer to do than something that needs done. 

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