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Production trigger rule updated?


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Hi everyone! First post here. Getting myself and my gun prepared to join ipsc production shooting. Now my deepest apologies if this has been answered but i cant seem to find a definite answer. What im trying to find out is if the trigger pull for production has been changed? Isn't it 5lbs for DA then anything goes for SA? Sorry really newb here. Now I read somewhere that its updated to 4 lbs DA then 3 lbs to SA. Is this true? Thank you and really appreciate your time... Just wanna make sure before i have my baby eagle ii trigger work.


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The current IPSC rule book still says 5lbs, and they are pretty quick and turnarounds with rule changes: http://ipsc.org/pdf/RulesHandgun.pdf

Where did you read about the rule change?

Oh, I found it: http://www.brianenos...howtopic=127983

As I read the details on the post, it was a proposal that went to the GA for the 2012 rule book. So if it had been approved, then the current rulebook should have changes. It doesn't look like it was approved.

Edited by Skydiver
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