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Glock 34 Problems


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I have done the following modifications to my Glock 34.

-Vanek Super Trigger Kit

-Tungsten Guide Rod with captured 13 lb spring

-Taylor Freelance +5 magazine extensions with stronger springs.

During the match today my pistol stopped cycling after firing 4-6 shots during the stage. When I tried to pull the slide back it would not move. After a few times of trying to pull the slide back I finally pulled very hard and pushed forward at the same time and it ejected the shell and I finished the stage.Later on in the match I had my slide lock back twice even though I still had rounds in the magazine. Neither of these issues have occurred before and I have put at least 1500 rounds through the gun since I installed the mag extensions. I am thinking the light spring weight is causing these issues but maybe the guide rod as well? Any help would be appreciated.

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Have you changed your loads? Check for any burrs on the guide rod or if the spring is binding somewhere on the guide rod? You mentioned a captured rod, maybe the coil towards the muzzle end is creeping out of the tunnel & is catching where the nut or lock for the guide rod is, I had that happen once, & it caused all kinds of problems with cycling. Finally decided to go back to my home made uncaptured guide rods.

Edited by Glockman1000
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If it locked up THAT tight, my first vote would be "You got a bad piece of swollen-up brass" and it is actually stuck in the chamber. I can't think of many things that would lock one up so tight that it wouldn't budge into you did the "kinetic clearing drill". :)

I don't think that it's your recoil spring. I've run a G-34 with an 11# before. 13# is right where it should be for Minor caliber loads. Usually the problem that crops up with light recoil springs is that the slide gets pulled back slightly during the firing process when the sear presses back on the lower lug of the Firing Pin.

I don't see how the mags would cause your issue with premature lock-back either, especially since it wasn't happening earlier in their life. I'd check the slide stop for two things: "Is the slide stop spring broken?" AND "Is there any chance that you've changed your grip slightly and it is pressing up on the extended G-34 slide stop?". Most people who use the thumbs-forward "Leatham/Enos" grip are on the ragged edge of doing that with those slide stops. That's why I throw them out whenever I can....

Edited by Braxton1
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I have been using factory ammunition (walmart federal and UMC) which can have varying loads so a tight piece of brass could of been the cause of the bad jam. As for the slide getting stuck open I think Braxton might have nailed it with the change of grip. I forgot to add on my list of mods a glockmeister magwell which is causing me to grip higher up on the gun and I easily could of hit that slide stop. I am planning on going to the range in the next couple of days to try and reproduce the problems.


I am assuming by your comment of "throwing the slide stop out" that it can be removed without effecting the functionality of the gun? Does this break any IMGA or USPSA rules that you know of?

Have you changed your loads? Check for any burrs on the guide rod or if the spring is binding somewhere on the guide rod? You mentioned a captured rod, maybe the coil towards the muzzle end is creeping out of the tunnel & is catching where the nut or lock for the guide rod is, I had that happen once, & it caused all kinds of problems with cycling. Finally decided to go back to my home made uncaptured guide rods.

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I am referring to going to a standard slide stop and getting rid of the extended one.

Since G-34s can be had from the factory with standard slide stops in lieu of the extended, this modification is legal in USPSA Production Division and any Multi-Gun ruleset that I can think of.

Edited by Braxton1
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I double checked the spring and it must have gotten bent a little because the slide lock wasn't sitting flat. I bent it out a little which helped but I think I will still have to change over to a standard slide lock to keep my thumb from bumping it.

Has anyone completely removed the slide lock or is it absolutely necessary for supporting the trigger pin or for some other reason?

The slide lock issue could be reassembly of the slide stop you got the little spring buggered up. The other malf coincidence?

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  • 2 weeks later...
1344792176[/url]' post='1759524']

I double checked the spring and it must have gotten bent a little because the slide lock wasn't sitting flat. I bent it out a little which helped but I think I will still have to change over to a standard slide lock to keep my thumb from bumping it.

Has anyone completely removed the slide lock or is it absolutely necessary for supporting the trigger pin or for some other reason?

1344743761[/url]' post='1759318']

The slide lock issue could be reassembly of the slide stop you got the little spring buggered up. The other malf coincidence?

Haven't completely removed it for the reason you describe. Have chopped it off short with Dremel. Replacements are cheap, and it's my gun, so no one else cares.

The extended slide lock is nice in theory. It practice, it has been a hindrance for me on every platform.

Up to you how to proceed.


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Thing to look at:

- Installed the slide stop/release wrong (put the other pins in first) [edit to add: Did you say that spring was bent a little? If so, this was you likely cause.)

- The screw on your magwell is too tight.

- Get rid of the extended slide stop/release and put in a standard one. If you aren't shooting Production, then you can grind it down to a nub externally.

- Put your stock recoil rod and spring back in the gun until this problem goes away. You can re-introduce it latter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently had an issue with my slide not wanting to cycle smoothly. Sounded horrible too. Have a captured zev ss guide rod and 13lb ISMI. I turned it to an uncaptured rod/spring combo and fixed my issue. The spring was binding in the front where it meets the washer and screw so i got rid of washer and screw.

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