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Need Help- What would You Pay For This?

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Yo in the know... Had a local guy offer me this setup and don't know if it's a worthwhile endeavor, given that it's used and I'm going to have to procure a ton of stuff to get going.

"550 Model: comes with strong mount, side mounted bullet tray, .223 and .308 family shellplates with #1 through #4 brass shell holders, and 2 toolmounts. Sorry I don’t have dies, powder measures, or the priming tubes for it."

I'm initially going to be loading only .40 with it so I'll have to get the assorted bits and shits to do that. The guy is asking $200 for what's listed.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I told him I was going to price out what's missing and get back to him. I do realize that with what he has, I'm still a long way from picking up range brass and reloading. Oh, did I mention that I've never reloaded before? :blink:

Edited by Lifeislarge
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Yo in the know... Had a local guy offer me this setup and don't know if it's a worthwhile endeavor, given that it's used and I'm going to have to procure a ton of stuff to get going.

"550 Model: comes with strong mount, side mounted bullet tray, .223 and .308 family shellplates with #1 through #4 brass shell holders, and 2 toolmounts. Sorry I don’t have dies, powder measures, or the priming tubes for it."

I'm initially going to be loading only .40 with it so I'll have to get the assorted bits and shits to do that. The guy is asking $200 for what's listed.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I told him I was going to price out what's missing and get back to him. I do realize that with what he has, I'm still a long way from picking up range brass and reloading. Oh, did I mention that I've never reloaded before? :blink:

I assume you are pulling our collective chains.....with one of those "to good to be true" finds... :cheers:

Edited by Merlin Orr
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HOLY CRAP!!!! Just talked to a guy out of the blue who has a 1050 that he'd take $600 for. Is this too much press for a newbie??? It could still go away if he talks to someone in the know and there's no way of getting it right away but jeez... I'm going to buy it regardless if I can. This is all so friking nerve wracking for a guy who's never loaded a single round in his life. When it rains, it pours.... :surprise:

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If the only missing stuff is what's mentioned then do it. Two hundred is too good to pass up. If you can somehow get a picture, post it.

Wow. In the time to post this you got a better deal on a 1050? Score.

Edited by Youngeyes
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I'm meeting the guy tomorrow to pick up the 550. At least I'll have that if the 1050 doesn't come to fruition. If I end up getting both, I'm sure you'll all hear about it :goof: :goof: :goof: :goof:

In his store, Brian says with some fervor, and I'm paraphrasing "If you've never reloaded, DON"T buy a 1050". Well now, does that seem like a challenge to anyone or am I just that full of shit???

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In his store, Brian says with some fervor, and I'm paraphrasing "If you've never reloaded, DON"T buy a 1050". Well now, does that seem like a challenge to anyone or am I just that full of shit???

I can't possibly let this one go by without a smartass answer. I vote for FOS. :roflol:

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In his store, Brian says with some fervor, and I'm paraphrasing "If you've never reloaded, DON"T buy a 1050". Well now, does that seem like a challenge to anyone or am I just that full of shit???

I can't possibly let this one go by without a smartass answer. I vote for FOS. :roflol:

Well then, I will take that as a challenge my good man :sight:

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My bootie :D :D :D :D :D :D

RL550- Came with 5 tool heads, roller handle, bullet tray, strong mount, auto eject and 3 cartridge bins, .223 and .308 plates and pins. $160

RL1050- Came set up with .45 dies, small pistol and large pistol casefeed plates, and 7 powder measures (one new in the wrapper). $600

All in all, not a bad day if I had to say so myself. Now, comes the decision. Neither one of these is set up to play with yet, and I have no supplies, and no knowledge on reloading, and I think I still need a couple things to make the 1050 run right. AARRGGHHH!!!! Anyone near Jax want to give me reloading lessons? post-41423-0-37737100-1344378919_thumb.jpost-41423-0-86040100-1344378944_thumb.jpost-41423-0-92356600-1344379009_thumb.j

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Wow, is all I can say. Curious if the sellers knew what they had...you know, dad passed and left this junk in the basement, etc.?

Great score on your end...and don't be afraid of a 1050. I started on a 650 and had a 1050 within a year. Wish I had just started there. :cheers:

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Wow, is all I can say. Curious if the sellers knew what they had...you know, dad passed and left this junk in the basement, etc.?

Great score on your end...and don't be afraid of a 1050. I started on a 650 and had a 1050 within a year. Wish I had just started there. :cheers:

First guy (550) knew what he had but I'm a pretty strong negotiator, walked away and he bucked up.

2nd guy had no clue and I would've gotten it for $400 if his buddy at work hadn't chirped up about how awesome Dillon machines are. I think he bought it at a yard sale or something by the way he was talking.

I'm a bit overwhelmed looking at the 1050. That and the fact that I still need a bunch of stuff to get started has kind of taken the air out of the balloon. The 550 looks so simple, but the idea of manual indexing and case feeding really goes against the will of every lazy bone in my body. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, and once it's all set up it'll just be a matter of pulling the handle and keeping an eye on the stuff going in. It's frustrating going in as cold as I am, not knowing if there's something missing, broken, etc. Heck, I have 7 powder measures but don't know how to tell what they're supposed to be used for. I'm going to call Dillon and see just how good they're customer service is. From what I hear, it's legendary!!!!

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you should buy a lottery ticket. nice haul!

Nah, God is good to me, and I'm a very patient man. Been waiting for months for the right deal to come around. Just so happens that two came on the same day. How many times do you get impatient, say screw it, and pay more than what you wanted to in the first place, and then have the deal show up a week later? I'm a bit bull headed and infinitely cheap and never say screw it. Nine times out of ten whatever I'm looking for shows up eventually at an insanely low price.

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My bootie :D :D :D :D :D :D

RL550- Came with 5 tool heads, roller handle, bullet tray, strong mount, auto eject and 3 cartridge bins, .223 and .308 plates and pins. $160

RL1050- Came set up with .45 dies, small pistol and large pistol casefeed plates, and 7 powder measures (one new in the wrapper). $600

All in all, not a bad day if I had to say so myself. Now, comes the decision. Neither one of these is set up to play with yet, and I have no supplies, and no knowledge on reloading, and I think I still need a couple things to make the 1050 run right. AARRGGHHH!!!! Anyone near Jax want to give me reloading lessons? post-41423-0-37737100-1344378919_thumb.jpost-41423-0-86040100-1344378944_thumb.jpost-41423-0-92356600-1344379009_thumb.j

Sell me the 1050 and I'll be happy to drive to Jacksonville and provide some lessons :bow:

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