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Guide rod issue

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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:12 PM

Has anyone seen this? My hunter 10mm drops the guide rod down to where it almost comes off. It never does I suspect because it's resting in bottom of frame. I would add pics but can't yet I guess. My theory is that the rod face is not flat enuf so it's walking under fire. Thanks

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Neal; On the Hunter, the guide rod is very different from all the other models. Since it's a 6" slide, it has a 1" flat piece extension that sits onto the flat on the frame. That 1" extension is where the slide hits the frame so that it doesn't move any further back even though the slide is longer than regular models.

We talked about this on the phone and I'm not sure why this is happening.. I have a couple of Hunters and they haven't had any problems. May have to look to come up with a solution where the special guide rod is captured in place ?

Detailed pictures to illustrate is helpful.

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