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Akdal modding no US parts if possible

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Hi everyone,

just got my MKA 1919 this week and I am looking to mod it for IPSC Open.

As I am not in the US and as US parts are hard to get I would prefer doing it without. Not so many Akdals around yet in Europe as they used to be produced according to SAMAE and with that you dont pass CIP here. So the CIP ones are not around for long. Therefore, no copys of US aftermarket parts available yet. I am sure in a year or two there will be copys for everything but dont want to wait that long :rolleyes:

My 10 round OEM mags will be showing up sometimes in fall. So thats settled.

I am thinking of using the comp/polychoke combo based on the Maxrounds comp. I have it on my Saiga and i looks great and works great.

I am not planning to change the stock as the Akdal is barely over legal limit here and I dont want to risk going under it with a collapsalbe stock. An the other hand the fixed stock works pretty good I guess. However, I heard that it should improve a lot in putting some weight in. Someone done that already?

I am also not planning to change the grip as it works fine. Here again I heard that some extra weight around the grip should help. Any advise here?

Not planning to use below 28g anyway so I guess I should be fine here. However, as the gas booster bushing is illegal to export any other advice here beside making a bushing myself which does not look to hard lol

As for the spring. Is there anything that works out of the box like a 1911en spring with the Saiga? I am sure the Tromix spring is illegal to export.

My main concern right now is the trigger as getting aftermarket parts would be hard. Any advice on how to improve it with the parts that are in or do AR 15 parts or springs work?

Anything else I should know?

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Not planning to use below 28g anyway so I guess I should be fine here. However, as the gas booster bushing is illegal to export any other advice here beside making a bushing myself which does not look to hard lol

As for the spring. Is there anything that works out of the box like a 1911en spring with the Saiga? I am sure the Tromix spring is illegal to export.

ITAR does not concern shotgun parts with exception of military shotgun (it is written like in first point of ITAR restrictions). Last time I checked MKE 1919 is not military shotgun in USA. Shotgun parts are legal to export (it is "gun parts" that are restricted, not "shotgun parts"). If you will find educated dealer, he should send you US parts with no problem (look for example in Mesa Tactical catalog: only Benelli M4 stuff is marked as ITAR restricted, because M4 is military shotgun under M1014 designation).

I believe as well that Austria is not on list of restrictions for countries endangered by terrorism, etc.

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