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Witness Trigger Spring Question


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How does the damn thing go back in???? I finally got around to changing the mag release button and this spring has me stumped, evidently I didn't look at it close enough before I ripped into it. Anybody got a picture of one that is properly installed? Thanks

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The two legs should be close together, pointing towards the front of the gun. The bent leg goes in the trigger, the other goes in the slot above the guiderod block.

The easiest way to install is to find a short, small pin to put through the trigger and the spring, then as you put the trigger pin in, it will drive this "slave pin" out.

Or the way I do it (more advanced technique) is I take an 8mm (I think) endwrench, and hold the coils of the spring in place as I guide the trigger into the frame with my other hand, then I slap a long punch through the hole, then tap the Henning trigger pin in place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+ 1 on Henning's trigger. 10x easier

for the stock spring

I use a slightly smaller punch to capture the spring and then use the real pin. It also helps if you grow an extra arm

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