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My rant

Shooter Grrl

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I hate not being able to shoot.

I hate statistics. For the first time in my learning, I am NOT getting a subject.

I hate pain! I go in for a "procedure" on my shoulder tomorrow. Sounds really similar to being racked actually!

I hate not being able to shoot.

I hate fire ants - those little f*ckers sting!

I hate that I ALWAYS find the fire ant hills and stand in the damned things.

I hate not being able to shoot.

I hate rearranging furniture and then whacking myself HARD when I run into it in the middle of the night. (yes, i really did!)

I miss my old friends in California.

I miss my new friends in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

I hate not being able to shoot.

I hate that David's job sucks.

I hate that the house here is cool when the job sucks so bad.

I hate not being able to shoot.

I hate that my gun STILL doesn't run right.

Oh BAH! And I hate getting so depressed that I hate everything in life and just want to go to bed and hide under the covers and bawl like a baby!

And did I mention, I hate not being able to shoot.

UPDATE: Doctor's office just called, surgery tomorrow has been cancelled because my freakin' sugars are over 400! Isn't that special?

I'm going to bed!

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Shooter Grrl,

While I wont say I understand, I can say missery lover company!

Just got home after another 14.5 hour day. My business is still in the toilet, and it was just one of those days that makes me want to walk out into oncoming traffic o nthe freeway! :(:wacko:

I am going to go do a shot to help me sleep, and hope that the sun just might come up tomorrow, and if it doesn't hopefully neither will I!!

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"I miss my new friends in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi."
I thought you just moved there..... did you move BACK to Kalifornya...? :huh:

My so-called house in Olympia, WA was surrounded by a couple of empty lots that weren't so empty, as it turned out. Mound after mound of fire ants lived there and they were PREPOSTEROUS to live with. Yes, they really DO hurt... the sons of bitches. :angry: Gah!

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"I miss my new friends in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi."
I thought you just moved there..... did you move BACK to Kalifornya...? :huh:

Naw - we're still in TN, but I haven't SEEN any of them in a couple of months, as they are all shooting buds, and well, see above about not shooting!

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Hey Kath,

I'm really sorry you feel so down. Doo-doo happens, and sometimes DINOSAUR DOO-DOO happens, but you will overcome.

I don't know if it'll work for you but, when I have a Bad Hair Day, I put a comedy DVD on the TV, order beer & pizza (hold the pineapple, double the anchovy, add mucho Tabasco), and I let the combination burn the living shit out of my innards, as I enjoy the movie which I've seen so many times before, I know the dialogue verbatim.

Tomorrow is a new day. Onwards and upwards ...............

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The "shit happens to everybody, but mostly to me" days happen. I'm stuck in one of those months....

Its acctually the perfect time to just relax a forget 'bout it for a while. Any problem that is not there anymore tomorrow, next week/month/year is in any case not worth wasting time on - some advice I got a week or two ago....and it seems to help...

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I know what you mean about stats. I took a stats class that was required for my econ major in college while I was a sophomore. Everyone else in the class was a junior or senior. I never worked so hard for a class in my life, not even in law school. Hang in there.

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Over the cours eof switching majors, I had to take stats for economics, stats for psych, and stats for comp-sci as part of a two course focus in discreet mathematics (twice :) ).

The only advice I can give you if it is really kicking your butt is to know your school's rules abotu getting out while ahead and how best to recover from screwing the course up. If you are going to fail, fail gracefully.

Second, it may be in your best interests to check the catalog of courses for a stats calss for other disciplines' stats classes. Audit one of them or soemthing if need be to see if they are easier to get.

Third, when a course is hard, it really comes down to the professor's ability. You may need to get out of that class and into one where the professor is a better match for you. I know after running into a couple REALLY bad professors, I discovered that the best professors at my university were most often the ones on the short end of the political stick, or part time lecturers who worked in the field they taught. So basically it meant either lots of 8am classes, or lots of 7pm and later classes. (surprisingly, good teachers like to teach, not play politics, amazing isn't it?)

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I don't know if it'll work for you but, when I have a Bad Hair Day, I put a comedy DVD on the TV,

Might I recommend the excellent "Mr. Bean" TV series on VHS or DVD. Of course there is a drawback. I watched most of the series over the course of a week and now my sides hurt.....

from laughing so hard.


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I have had a lot of statistics in my schooling and work environments. they ended up waiving my Research Methodolgy requirement in Grad School vecause of it.

I remember the hypothesis and null hypothesis concept as being rather cruel to me for quite a while. Finally it just sunk in. They are like opposites of each other. If the Null is True and the Hypothesis is False and vice versa. It is a way cool concept now.

Then I had this great instructor. A guy working on his PhD. He said if you remember anything remember this, it is the summation of all statistics. Subtract off the Mean and Divide by the Standard Deviation. That is your Z-score. Thirty years later I still remember it. I actually got to apply it a few times in real work situations. NO body would argue about stats or quality measurements after that.

I also had a Professor who would give us unsolvable statistics problems on our tests. He did not tell us they were unsolvable. Typically test scores were 19 out of 100 points. Talk about depressing. He was tryng to get new ideas on how to solve them. More than half the students dropped his class. Turns out he ended up having to give everyone As and Bs for the course. I was stupid, I dropped out instead of getting an easy A.

Statistics classes out of the Business School are easier than out of the Math Department. Stat classes from the Urban Planning School are more interesting and fun. Stat classes from the Biology Departments can be hard. I would take the advice from a previous contributor and look for the same class out of another department.

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