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Cleaning out the garage today and this little fella decided to pop up and say hello. Anyone know what it is specifically? Harmless garden spider or Wolf Spider is what I am hoping. I've compared it to pics of Brown Recluse, and it just doesn't look similar to me. If it helps, it was ( yes, I killed it ) about the size of a Half Dollar, and I live in South Carolina.


Ironically enough, about 10 minutes after taking this picture, I found a Black Widow. No assistance needed identifying that one! Talk about getting your heart rate up in a hurry! I've only been living in the South for 4 years, so I'm still not used to seeing a rather poisionus creature this up close and personal. Thankfully I saw one about 3 years ago, so I know when cleaning out the garage to wear gloves and not stick my fingers in to dark corners, or turn things over without checking around them and under them first.

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Wolf. It does have the markings of the recluse, but if its the size of a half dollar, its way too big. Recluses generally don't get bigger than a penny. And, if you come across another one, don't kill it. They are called wolf spiders for a reason. They are predators and eat other bugs and spiders. They actually are a great means of pest control.

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I would have to see the underside of the abdomen to be 100% but it looks like a Hobo Spider.

13 times more venemous than a regular recluse spider.

I was bit by one this year and almost lost one hand because of it. I was on intravenous antibiotics for 5 days with a stent in my arm.

If you look under the abdomen and it has a light grey/white 'herringbone' zigzag' on it, it is a hobo. Kill it, and go back to where you found it hiding and spray the area with malathion to kill any eggs.

These spiders are aggressive. Be careful.

Predominantly found in the PNW and southeastern BC.

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Judging by the palp size and abdomen it is a male. Males are typically less aggressive and slightly less venemous than the females. At least in the world of spiders.

I do not think it is a wolf spider. It does not have enough hair and the eyes are wrong. Generally most wolf spiders in North America have 2 sets of eyes that are really big and prominent. I do not see either of those two things here

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I would have to see the underside of the abdomen to be 100% but it looks like a Hobo Spider.

13 times more venemous than a regular recluse spider.

I was bit by one this year and almost lost one hand because of it. I was on intravenous antibiotics for 5 days with a stent in my arm.

If you look under the abdomen and it has a light grey/white 'herringbone' zigzag' on it, it is a hobo. Kill it, and go back to where you found it hiding and spray the area with malathion to kill any eggs.

These spiders are aggressive. Be careful.

Predominantly found in the PNW and southeastern BC.

In South Carolina?

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I've been bitten by a bunch of different spiders, and as a result, I have made it a point to figure out which ones are bad, and which are good. Believe it or not, the good ones far outweigh the bad. That is most definitely a wolf spider.

There is a thread on here where I posted pics of what a brown recluse will do to a persons ankle (mine).... I've been bitten 4 times by the recluses....

What a necrotic brown recluse bite looks like..... http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=139572&view=findpost&p=1570401

Edited by GrumpyOne
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Am I glad I found this thread!!!

Just last night I was bitten by a spider. Never seen one like it before. I'm not much of an artist, but I drew a quick sketch.


Hopefully someone can identify the little bugger for me. Been feeling kinda different this morning. Typing this my fingers keep getting stuck to the jfjdsioapnagopnpaneongoemludls...



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Am I glad I found this thread!!!

Just last night I was bitten by a spider. Never seen one like it before. I'm not much of an artist, but I drew a quick sketch.


Hopefully someone can identify the little bugger for me. Been feeling kinda different this morning. Typing this my fingers keep getting stuck to the jfjdsioapnagopnpaneongoemludls...



When you start climbing walls, and start sensing when something is gonna happen before it does, call me, cause I wanna be bit by that one too!

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Am I glad I found this thread!!!

Just last night I was bitten by a spider. Never seen one like it before. I'm not much of an artist, but I drew a quick sketch.


Hopefully someone can identify the little bugger for me. Been feeling kinda different this morning. Typing this my fingers keep getting stuck to the jfjdsioapnagopnpaneongoemludls...



Looks like a bone collector spider to me. Also, clean your keyboard after spilling beer. Keeps it from getting sticky the next morning. :cheers: And yes, excessive drinking can cause you to see wierd s$$t like bone collector spiders. And yes, a hangover will make you feel kinda different in the morning. :eatdrink: Case solved. Too easy. :D


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